Generate ID Attribute Rule (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates an attribute rule that generates a unique value for a field from a query. The tool outputs a .csv file containing an ArcGIS Arcade attribute rule based on the inputs provided, a Python file that contains the code for generating sequences in the workspace, and an ID file for visualizing generated IDs.


  • The Output Folder parameter specifies the location where a folder will be created using the name of the input feature class. The output .csv file containing the attribute rule will use the name of the Input Table parameter value. If the tool is run multiple times, additional .csv files will be created in the folder.

  • After the tool runs, import the attribute rule and apply it to the dataset. If the dataset is in an enterprise geodatabase, you must be the data owner to apply the output template attribute rule.

    Learn more about importing attribute rules


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The dataset that the new rule will be applied to.

Table View
Output Folder

The folder where the output .csv file will be saved. The name of the file will be taken from the Input Table parameter value.


The name of the existing field the rule will be applied to.


An SQL expression that limits the rows that the attribute rule will be applied to.

SQL Expression
Create Sequences

Specifies whether database sequences will be created in the specified workspace.

  • Checked—Database sequences will be created. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Database sequences will not be created.

Definition Type

Specifies the method that will be used to define the format of the ID.

  • Builder The ID format will be constructed using the ID Builder parameter.
  • TableThe ID format will be defined from a table using the ID Definition Table parameter.
  • Code Values A configuration entry and sequence will be generated for each combination of coded values from the selected fields.
  • Builder The ID format will be constructed using the id_builder parameter.
  • TableThe ID format will be defined from a table using the id_table parameter.
  • Code Values A configuration entry and sequence will be generated for each combination of coded values from the selected fields.
ID Builder

A set of format options that will define the attribute rule. This includes an SQL expression that will be used to apply different formats and sequences per asset, as well as padding, prefix, and suffix values.

  • Filter SQL—An optional SQL expression that will be used to determine whether the sequence will be applied to the row.
  • Description—An optional description of the entry that will be added to the rule settings in the attribute rule.
  • Sequence Name—The name that will be assigned to the database sequence. For enterprise geodatabases, the name must meet sequence name requirements for the database platform you're using and must be unique in the database. For file geodatabases, the name must be unique to the file geodatabase.
  • Starting Value—The starting number of the sequence. If you do not provide a starting number, the sequence will start at 1. If you do provide a starting number, it must be greater than 0.
  • Increment Value—Describes how the sequence numbers will be incremented. For example, if the sequence starts at 10 and the increment value is 5, the next value in the sequence is 15, and the next value after that is 20. If you do not specify an increment value, sequence values will increment by 1.
  • Prefix—An optional string or value that will be placed before the sequence value.
  • Suffix—An optional string or value that will be placed after the sequence value.
  • Padding—An optional positive number that represents the number of digits, where zeros will be used to fill the unused digits. For example, a value of 5 will represent the sequence value of 1 as 00001.
  • Separator—An optional value that will be used to join the prefix, sequence, and suffix.

A preview of the string will display in the Geoprocessing pane from the values entered in the format options.

Value Table
ID Definition Table

A table or record set that defines the ID format. This includes the SQL expression that will be used to apply different formats and sequences per asset, as well as padding, prefix, and suffix values.

The table must include the following fields:

  • WhereClause—An optional SQL expression that will be used to determine whether the sequence will be applied to the row.
  • Description—An optional description of the entry that will be added to the rule settings in the attribute rule.
  • SequenceName—The name that will be assigned to the database sequence. For enterprise geodatabases, the name must meet sequence name requirements for the database platform you're using and must be unique in the database. For file geodatabases, the name must be unique to the file geodatabase.
  • StartingValue—The starting number of the sequence. If you do not provide a starting number, the sequence will start at 1. If specified, the starting number must be greater than 0.
  • IncrementValue—Describes how the sequence numbers will increment. For example, if the sequence starts at 10 and the increment value is 5, the next value in the sequence will be 15, and the next value after that will be 20. If you do not specify an increment value, sequence values will increment by 1.
  • Prefix—An optional string or value that will be placed before the sequence value.
  • Suffix—An optional string or value that will be placed after the sequence value.
  • Padding—An optional positive number that represents the number of digits, where zeros will be used to fill the unused digits. For example, a value of 5 will represent the sequence value of 1 as 00001.
  • Separator—An optional value that will be used to join the prefix, sequence, and suffix.

Record Set
Coded Value Fields

The fields that will be used to generate an SQL expression and configuration for an ID.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Rule CSV

The output .csv file containing an Arcade attribute rule based on the inputs provided. This file is used to import the attribute rule to the dataset.

ID Definition Table

A table of the sequence definition configurations. This file can be edited and reused by the tool using the Definition Type parameter's Table option.

Python Sequence Script

The output Python sequence file. The file can be used in other workspaces or by anyone with permissions to create database sequences.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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