Esri Redistricting has Undo and Redo tools that apply to assignments and locking changes. These tools allow you to revert to the previous state to apply or remove changes.
The Undo and Redo tools do not work on the locking or unlocking of geographies.
Using the Undo tool
The Undo tool allows you to undo any changes you have made to geography assignments or the locking or unlocking of districts.
- Perform a geography assignment or the locking or unlocking of a district; see One Stage geography assignment, Two Stage geography assignment, or Locking and unlocking districts for more information.
- On the Create ribbon, click Undo
The changes made to either geography assignment of the locking or unlocking of districts are removed. The plan returns to the previous state before any changes were applied.
Using the Redo tool
The Redo tool allows you to reapply any changes you have made to geography assignments or the locking or unlocking of districts performed using the Undo tool.
The Redo tool is only enabled after the Undo tool has been used.
- Perform a geography assignment or the locking or unlocking of a district. See One Stage geography assignment, Two Stage geography assignment, or Locking and unlocking districts for more information.
- On the Create ribbon, click Undo
- On the Create ribbon, click Redo
The plan returns to the original state before the Undo tool was applied.