Saving a plan allows you to open the plan in Esri Redistricting for collaboration or to continue making improvements to the plan within the application. You can also opt to save a local copy of the plan if you want to archive the plan or open the plan in a compatible application. There are several options to save a plan, whether you are making edits to an open plan, want to make a copy of an existing plan, or want to save a local copy of the plan on your machine.
When saving a plan, the plan will save the current map extent, any thematic map applied to the plan, and any layers or services added to the plan. The plan does not save added shapefiles or locations.
Saving changes to the current plan
You can save any edits made to the opened district plan.
You can modify existing district plans. Upon saving, the current plan is saved to the Esri Redistricting central repository. The save is made to the current plan open in your Esri Redistricting session.
When you save a plan, added map services are stored with the plan. The saved plan also retains the layer visibility from your session.
- Open the Save Plan dialog box:
- On the File ribbon, click Save.
- On the toolbar, click Save
- Enter a name for the plan.
- Select a folder from the drop-down menu.
You can also click Create new folder to create a new folder directory. Refer to Managing plans for more information on plan management.
- Enter a description for the plan.
- Click OK.
Saving a plan to a new name
You can use the Save As option to save a copy of an existing plan, or to save the plan to a new name.
The Save As option allows you to save the current plan under a new name. This is particularly helpful if you want to create a plan that has the same characteristics, districts, and demographics as an existing plan. You can create a copy of the current plan with a new name.
When you save a plan, added map services are stored with the plan. The saved plan also retains the layer visibility from your session.
- Open the Save Plan dialog box:
- On the File ribbon, click Save As.
- On the toolbar, click Save As
- Enter a name for the plan.
- Select a folder from the drop-down menu.
You can also click Create new folder to create a new folder directory. Refer to Managing plans for more information on plan management.
- Enter a description for the plan.
- Click OK.
Saving a plan to a local file
Esri Redistricting allows you to store a local copy of a redistricting plan. The plan is stored as a .plan file type. A local copy allows you to share and distribute plans to other users.
When you save a plan to a local file, added map services are also stored with the plan. This is helpful when sharing plans with other users. This ensures that each time a plan is opened, all users share the same user experience, including assignments and map services.
- On the File ribbon, click Save Local.
- Browse to a directory to store the local file.
- Change the file name (optional).
If you change the file name, ensure you keep the .plan file extension.
- Click Save.
There are several different options to save a plan, whether you are making edits to an open plan, want to make a copy of an existing plan, or want to save a local copy of the plan on your machine.