Archiving a plan

Archiving allows you to take a snapshot of the redistricting plan for reference purposes. You can define the export formats and reports to include in the archived package. The archived package generates a ZIP file for storing and sharing.

  1. On the File ribbon, click Archive.

    The Archive dialog box appears. By default, all export formats and reports are checked.

  2. Check the Email the archive check box to send the archive as an email attachment (optional).

    The Email Settings button is enabled. Click Email Settings to modify the email recipients, the email subject, and message.

  3. Uncheck the export formats you do not want included in the archive.
  4. Uncheck the Bill Text plan formats (optional).
  5. Uncheck the reports you do not want included in the archive.
  6. Click OK.

    The archiving process begins. Once complete, the File Created dialog box appears.

  7. Click OK.

    The Select location for download dialog box appears.

  8. Browse to the desired directory.
  9. Enter a file name for the archive (optional).
  10. Click Save.

    The archive package is stored to the output directory.