This is an archive related to a previous version of Esri Maps for MicroStrategy. If you need the current version go to
The Esri Maps for MicroStrategy server plug-in is delivered to you in an ISO image containing two folders: an asp folder for IIS deployments and a jsp folder for all JavaServer Pages deployments. Each of these folders contains a folder named em4mstr. When deploying to a Windows operating system, use an ISO image mounting program to view the ISO image file as a virtual disk (for example, Virtual CloneDrive). For instructions on mounting the ISO image file on a Linux-based system, see the administration documentation for your operating system.
It is recommended that this installation be performed by your organization’s web administrator.
For Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) installations (IIS), this folder is located in your MicroStrategy Mobile installation directory. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Mobile Server ASPx\plugins.
For all JavaServer Pages (JSP) web application installations of MicroStrategy Mobile, this folder is located where the web application server extracted the MicroStrategyMobile war file. For example, when installing in a default Tomcat web application installation, the default directory is <Tomcat>/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/plugins/.
The Esri Maps for MicroStrategy visualization is now available in MicroStrategy Mobile as a DHTML widget in documents.