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Test an ArcGIS IPS deployment

You can test IPS performance in the ArcGIS IPS Setup app. The positioning file to be tested can be generated using one of the following two tools in ArcGIS Pro:

Use Test mode to determine whether your indoor positioning accuracy meets your expectations. The positioning file, which is stored in the IPS Positioning table, is consumed by the app to display your real-time position on the screen as a blue dot. If there are multiple positioning files in the table, the most recent file is used.

The Generate Indoor Positioning File tool in ArcGIS Pro processes recordings for one site at a time. In cases in which a site consists of multiple facilities, publish a web map that includes all necessary facilities. Survey each facility, and process the data in ArcGIS Pro to create an indoor positioning file that contains all survey recordings for the complete site.

Access Test mode

To access Test mode, complete the following steps:

  1. Open IPS Setup and sign in if necessary.
  2. Tap the web map that you want to open.

    The web map opens in Map mode.

  3. Verify that the sensor check indicates OK.
  4. Tap Test on the options bar above the map.

    Your current location is displayed on the map as a blue dot.


    If no positioning file exists in the table, an error message appears.

Test the accuracy of a positioning file

Once you access the Test mode, you can test the accuracy of the blue dot's location by doing the following:

  1. Move around inside the surveyed facility.
    If the positioning file includes recordings (positioning data) for different floors, the floor plan displayed on the map updates automatically when you move between floors. The floor picker displays the name of the floor that is visible on the map.
  2. If the blue dot doesn’t follow your movement accurately, perform quality recordings and run Quality Assessment tools in ArcGIS Pro to get insight behind the lower accuracy.
  3. Optionally, perform additional survey recordings in the areas of the lower accuracy and rerun the Generate Indoor Positioning File tool.

    If the positioning file is created using the Generate Indoor Positioning File Without Survey tool, modifications to the IPS network, such as change in the positions of the beacons, may improve the positioning performance. If any changes are made, rerun the tool to generate a new positioning file.

  4. Repeat the testing process until the blue dot follows your movement accurately.

Once you confirm the accuracy of the indoor positioning file, you can enable IPS for your facilities in mobile apps.