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Create drone imagery products using Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

Site Scan for ArcGIS is a complete, end-to-end drone data acquisition and cloud processing platform. It includes two applications: an iPad app named ArcGIS Flight, which allows drone pilots to capture imagery, and a web app named Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS, which is used to manage drone fleets, securely process imagery in a scalable cloud environment, and share 2D and 3D imagery products with internal and external users.

Drone imagery captured using ArcGIS Flight and other flight planning apps can be uploaded to Site Scan Manager for processing and viewing. Site Scan supports the processing of drone imagery using ground control points or RTK for more accurate positioning.

You can use Site Scan Manager to produce the following data products from drone imagery:

  • 2D orthomosaics, which allow you to measure ground features and view changes of a site over time
  • Digital terrain models and digital surface models
  • Point clouds for 3D visualization and measurements
  • Integrated meshes that can be displayed in the Site Scan Manager Scene Viewer for detailed visual inspection

Conduct an initial analysis of drone-captured imagery using the Site Scan Manager built-in visualization, measurement, and artificial intelligence tools. Publish imagery outputs to your ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online organization for analysis, distribution across your organization, and importing into other ArcGIS applications. With integration between Site Scanand BIM360, you can pass data products between Site Scan and Autodesk applications to move engineering projects forward.

Explore the following resources to learn more about using Site Scan Manager to create products from imagery.


Site Scan for ArcGIS requires at least one Operator license, which allows you to upload images to Site Scan Manager. To download, edit, analyze, and process project data, you need an Access license. Read-only users are included and unlimited.

ArcGIS help

Review the following links on reference materials for ArcGIS products:

ArcGIS blog articles, stories, and technical papers

Review the following supplemental guidance about concepts, software functionality, and workflows:


Review the following Esri-produced videos that clarify and demonstrate concepts, software functionality, and workflows:

Training and tutorials

Review the following guided lessons and tutorials based on real-world problems and key ArcGIS skills:

Technical support

Documentation for Site Scan Manager is available from the Esri Support Knowledge Base including the following:

Esri Community

Visit the Esri Site Scan for ArcGIS community to connect regarding creating drone imagery products.

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