A useful way to provide updates to stakeholders outside of your Site Scan organization is to use "share links". Share links are public links you can generate from any mission's 2D view or mesh. Rather than sending a large file or PDF, a share link is a URL that can be sent or posted. Share links never expire.
Share links are similar to PDF Export because you must first prepare your map before sharing. Enable the processed outputs, measurements, and other map features that you want the recipient of the link to view prior to generating the share link. The recipient can turn different map layers on and off, such as the orthomosaic, elevation layers, overlays, and measurements. However, the first view that appears when opening the share link will reflect the view of the map from when you generated the share link, including the map extent. Because the share link reflects a snapshot in time from when the link was generated, the contents will not change if you later make changes to your mission map.
Once you are satisfied with the map layers, overlays, and measurements that you have enabled, generate a share link by clicking the Share button. Then click Copy URL to share it with stakeholders.