Elevation rasters store elevation measurements for a given area in an evenly spaced grid. These measurements might depict bare earth digital terrain models (DTMs), or digital surface models (DSMs) that include buildings, vegetation, and other above-ground features. Elevation rasters can also be used to derive datasets, such as hillshades, slope, or aspect to use for visualization or analysis.
Organizations often manage collections of elevation datasets with different projections or resolutions, which can be challenging. These collections can also be very large—instead of dealing with the files directly, it's often more manageable for the end user to connect to services that provide only the data necessary for visualization or analysis.
Using a mosaic dataset configured to manage elevation data makes it easier to manage and share elevation data from multiple sources. Raster functions (a capability of mosaic datasets and ArcGIS Image Server) can visualize the data on the fly as a hillshade, slope, aspect, or other derived product (no preprocessing required). Mosaic datasets can also be served as dynamic image services, making elevation data accessible to end users and applications.
Explore the following resources to learn more about managing elevation data. (Not sure where to start? Look for the star by Esri's most helpful resources.)
To create and edit mosaic datasets, you'll need ArcGIS Desktop (Standard or Advanced). To serve mosaic datasets, you'll need ArcGIS Image Server.Imagery Workflows resources
Review the community-supported tools and best practices for working with and automating imagery and remote sensing workflows:
- Read a description of best practices for managing elevation.*
- Download sample Python scripts and sample elevation data to try automating the management of elevation using best practices.*
- Read about best practices for creating mosaic datasets and structuring and formatting imagery and rasters.
- Download Terrain tools, which offer a variety of cartographic options for representing terrain and surfaces in ArcGIS.
ArcGIS help
Review the following links on reference materials for ArcGIS products:
- Learn about using mosaic datasets to manage imagery in ArcGIS Pro.
- Learn about using raster functions to visualize imagery in ArcGIS Pro, especially functions for Aspect, Hillshade, and Slope.
ArcGIS blogs, articles, story maps, and technical papers
Review the following supplemental guidance about concepts, software functionality, and workflows:
- Read a technical paper discussing MRF raster format and LERC compression.
Training and tutorials
Review the following guided lessons and tutorials based on real-world problems and key ArcGIS skills:
- Watch Managing Raster Data Using ArcGIS (2-hour web course) to learn how to use mosaic datasets to enable efficient data storage and fast visual performance.
Developer resources
Review the following resources and support for automating and customizing workflows:
- Visit the MDCS GitHub repository to download a Python script to help automate the creation and configuration of mosaic datasets.
- If you plan to manage satellite imagery in the cloud or want to optimize the data format for faster access, visit the OptimizeRasters GitHub repository for scripts and tools for data transfer and management.
Esri Community
Use the online imagery community to connect, collaborate, and share experiences:
- Visit the Esri Imagery and Remote Sensing community to connect, collaborate, and share experiences regarding managing elevation.