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Visualize lidar and elevation

In ArcGIS, tools for visualizing, using, and sharing 3D point clouds and lidar-derived products can help you better interpret the data and maximize the value to your GIS.

Lidar data is a three-dimensional point cloud that provides a precise way of measuring a surface or an object. The point clouds contain an abundance of data, but for that reason they can be overwhelming to visually interpret and use. Those unfamiliar with GIS or working with point clouds may struggle to understand what they are looking at when viewing a point cloud. Additionally, derived feature or raster datasets are often more useful in the context of a GIS than the point cloud itself.

In ArcGIS Pro, you can classify point clouds to make them easier to visualize and manipulate, or colorize a point cloud using imagery ideally gathered at the same time as the lidar to create an immersive, photorealistic display. To better integrate with your GIS, you can generate and visualize common lidar-derived raster products, such as intensity, digital terrain models, digital surface models, hillshade, slope, or aspect, as well as vector products such as contours. You can also extract features such as building footprints and 3D buildings. You can host your data as point cloud scene layers in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise, and share the data in web scenes, web applications, and 3D animations.

Explore the following resources to learn more about visualizing and using point clouds and derived products in ArcGIS. (Not sure where to start? Look for the star by Esri's most helpful resources.)

You need the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension or ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for ArcGIS Pro to create LAS datasets, and the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension for more advanced LAS dataset tools or to edit LAS file classification codes. Feature classification and extraction workflows may also require ArcGIS Spatial Analyst or ArcGIS Image Analyst. You also need an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise account to publish and share scene layers.

ArcGIS help

Review the following links on reference materials for ArcGIS products:

ArcGIS blogs, articles, story maps, and technical papers

Review the following supplemental guidance about concepts, software functionality, and workflows:


Review the following Esri-produced videos that clarify and demonstrate concepts, software functionality, and workflows:

Training and tutorials

Review the following guided lessons and tutorials based on real-world problems and key ArcGIS skills:

ArcGIS Solutions

Review the following industry-specific configurations for ArcGIS:

  • Use the Local Government 3D Basemaps solution to create 3D scenes for your local government, including a workflow to extract building footprints using lidar and a building maintenance workflow that compares new lidar to existing 3D buildings.

Developer resources

Review the following troubleshooting resources from Esri's tech support team:

Esri Community

Use the online imagery community to connect, collaborate, and share experiences:

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