Frequently asked questions

What is a supporting team?

Supporting teams are groups of people who contribute to your project by reviewing or editing content. They are not involved in managing the project’s website or official content and cannot access the followers group, core team group, or other supporting team groups used by the site’s core team. There are two types of supporting teams: supporting teams with view access and supporting teams with edit access.

Are supporting teams available in ArcGIS Hub Basic and ArcGIS Enterprise Sites?

No, supporting teams are only available with ArcGIS Hub Premium.

Who can create supporting teams with view access?

Hub administrators, initiative managers, and core team members can create supporting teams with view access for a project’s site. This includes core team members who use community accounts.

Who can create supporting teams with edit access?

Only those who have a default ArcGIS Online administrator role, a custom Hub administrator role, or a custom initiative manager role can create supporting teams with edit access. These roles include the administrative privilege to create groups with the update capability, the privilege required to create edit groups (teams). Core team members cannot create supporting teams with edit access because this administrative privilege is not included in the Publisher role, the recommended role for all core team members. See Configure roles and privileges for more information.

Who can manage a supporting team?

Every team has a team owner, one or more team managers, and members. The team owner is the person who created the team. This person is automatically made a team manager. Team managers can elevate other members of the team to a team manager role, regardless of whether they have an ArcGIS Online account with the community organization or the primary ArcGIS Online organization. They can also add or remove team members, message team members, update the team description and settings, and add or remove content from the team. Team members can only add content to the team.

Who can the team owner and managers add to a supporting team?

Anyone who has an account with your organization’s primary ArcGIS Online organization, including other initiative managers, can be added to a supporting team. You can also add community members, members of your hub’s secondary ArcGIS Online organization, to a supporting team.

What can supporting team members of a view access team see?

Members of a supporting team with view access can only view content shared with the group by members of the initiative’s core team or other members of the group. They can also add their own content to the group for others to view. They cannot message other members unless they are elevated to a group manager role.

What can supporting team members of an edit access team do?

Members of a supporting team with edit access can view and edit all content shared with the group. They can only add their own content for others to edit. They cannot message other members unless they are elevated to a group manager role.

Can a member of a supporting team with edit access edit the initiative’s site?

No, only core team members can edit an initiative’s site and add or remove items from its content library. Supporting team members have no way to edit your initiative’s content or access content shared privately with your core team or other supporting teams. Only content shared with a supporting team is accessible to its members.

How do you share content with a supporting team?

Core team members can share content with a supporting team by opening the initiative site’s team list, selecting the team, clicking the team’s drop-down menu in the navigation bar, and choosing Content. Supporting team members can add content by visiting their team’s profile.

How do team profiles work?

A team profile shows the team’s description, members, and content. Supporting team managers and supporting team members can visit the team profile to share content with the group. To view their team profile, supporting team members must also have view access to the site. Team owners can grant view access to existing members of supporting teams with view access or by creating a duplicate supporting team with view access for members of a supporting team with edit access.

How can supporting team members access their team profile?

Site or page editors with an ArcGIS Hub Premium license can provide access to the team profile by adding a Teams card to a site or page. Editors and visitors can then go directly to the team profile. Once they've accessed the team profile, team members can see content shared with them or share existing items that they own.

Do supporting team members have access to edit all content shared to the group, or can they edit only certain items?

Yes, there are a few exceptions, but generally all content shared to a supporting team with edit access is editable by each member of the team. You cannot control which team members have access to specific items.

What content can't be edited by members of a supporting team with edit access?

There are a few item types that don't allow editing by nonowners (for instance, Insights workbooks). At the moment, page editing is restricted to those with edit access to the site (core team members). To edit surveys, all of the surveys' feature layers must be shared along with the form for team members to edit. To configure the sharing settings for surveys, see Share survey.

Can you change a supporting team's type after it's been created?

No, once a supporting team has been created, its type cannot be modified. This means that a supporting team created with view access cannot be changed to an edit access team and vice versa.

What is the recommended role for core team and supporting team members?

The user role recommended for supporting team members is the default Publisher role. This role allows members of a supporting team with edit access to create and share their own content and edit content shared with the team. This role is also recommend for people belonging to supporting teams with view access, because it allows them to participate by signing up for events, following a site for updates, and creating their own content using data shared through a site’s content pages. Assigning the Viewer or Data Editor user types to members of a supporting team is not recommended. These user types do not permit members to create content, a privilege required to contribute and edit content as a member of a supporting team with edit access. These roles don't include the Join external groups privilege, a privilege required for community members to be added to a supporting team with view access and to sign up for events and following.

Can a supporting team support multiple sites?

Yes, a supporting team created for one site can be added to another site. Once the supporting team has been added to a site's list of teams, members of the site's core team can begin sending messages and sharing content with the new team. Members of the supporting team, however, must be able to view the site to access the team profile from the site. See Set team profile visibility for more information.