Feature Info widget

The Feature Info widget shows details about data from feature layers and scene layers. It inherits the pop-up content defined for the associated feature layers (see Pop-ups: the essentials for details). If pop-ups are not configured for a feature layer, the widget returns a list of all the attributes from the feature layer instead. For scene layers, pop-up configuration is not supported, so the widget returns a list of all the attributes about the scene data.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to add a panel that displays information about selected features.
  • You want to display pop-ups for selected map features in a panel outside of the map frame.

Usage notes

This widget requires connection to at least one data source. If a data source has related data and you configure related records in pop-ups in Map Viewer, you can view related records with the Feature Info widget in Experience Builder.


The widget supports individual subtype sublayers from subtype group layers.


The Feature Info widget includes the following settings:

  • Source—Connect data to the widget in one of the following ways:
    • Select data—Select one or more data sources. You can reorder data sources by clicking and dragging them. When you click Add data, the Content configuration panel appears with the following settings:
      • Data—You can display information for all features, selected features, or specific features by creating a data view.
      • Label—Enter a meaningful label for the layer.
      • Details options—Choose which pop-up elements to display in the widget. Pop-ups may include a title, content, media, and attachments. If the layer has update tracking enabled, the pop-up can also show when features were last edited.
    • Interact with a Map widget—Connect the Feature Info widget to a Map widget. All map layers are added to the Feature Info widget.
  • Style—By default, text in the widget matches the app theme. You can choose Custom from the drop-down menu to change the text size and color. When the layer has custom pop-ups, you can respect the source style.
  • General—Configure the following general settings:
    • Tools—You can add the following runtime tools to the widget panel:
      • Data navigation—A drop-down menu for navigating between the connected data sources.
      • Feature navigation—A tool for navigating between all the features in the layer.
        • Show index—Show the total number of features in the layer and the current feature's place in that count. For example, the tool label may display 1 of 25. For large amounts of data, turning on this option can reduce the number of data queries needed for feature counts and improve data loading performance.
      • Clear selection—A tool for removing the current feature selection.
  • No data message—Optionally, enter a message that displays when a feature is missing the expected attribute or no features meet the specified criteria.

Interaction options

This widget supports actions, which you can configure on the Action tab of the widget's settings.

Configure message actions to create automatic interactions between widgets. For example, to make a Map widget automatically zoom to features when the user makes a selection, you can add the Record selection changes trigger, select a Map widget as the target, and add the Zoom to action.

Turn on data actions to add buttons to the widget's user interface for performing data processing tasks, such as exporting, zooming to, and calculating statistics for selected features. If you turn on Enable data action, the Action button appears in the widget panel. You can click this button to open a drop-down menu that lists all of the data actions you turn on in the widget's settings.

  • The data actions under Current affect the currently displayed record.
  • The data actions under All data affect all records.