The Classic Oriented Imagery widget allows end users to interact with and visualize imagery that's taken from any angle—including oblique, bubble, street-side, inspection, and 360-degree images—in a 2D map or 3D scene. Oriented imagery can represent different sources of imagery from different optical cameras, including mobile cameras, drones, or terrestrial sensors. Viewing these images in the context of a map magnifies their informational value.
With this widget, clicking a location on the map provides tools and an imagery viewer for exploring available oriented images that depict the area of interest. Panning and zooming the image dynamically illustrates the camera's field of view on the map.
The widget supports common imagery sources, or you can create custom oriented imagery types to support a wide range of cameras. Commercial companies that generate content at scale and want to create custom or automated publication workflows can learn more about the supported database schemas in the Oriented Imagery repository on GitHub.
Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:
- You want users to review asset inventory photos taken by field workers at a construction site.
- You want users to review street-side photos that capture property damage after a natural disaster, such as a fire or hurricane, and add features that depict additional damage by digitizing features.
- You want users to review close-range inspection images that show electrical towers from many angles.
- You want to create a virtual prospective student college tour and provide 360-degree images along the path.
Usage notes
This widget requires connecting to a Map widget (with or without a connected data source) and adding an Oriented Imagery Catalog (OIC) that's published as an item in an ArcGIS organization. An OIC is a type of data model used to manage an imagery collection.
When you add a Classic Oriented Imagery widget, first choose a Map widget where you want the basemap to be loaded. Follow up by choosing an Oriented Imagery Catalog (OIC) that you want to view and explore, either from your own contents or from a shared group.
When you include this widget in an app, the imagery viewer window provides users with the following tools for navigating and investigating imagery:
- Spatial navigation tools designed to work with oriented imagery
- Querying based on current view and filters (including time)
- Image enhancement options
- Linear and height measurement tools (when the imagery supports them)
- Synchronized display of view extent
- Option to display extents and images similar to the current selection
- Option to overlay custom vector layers on oriented imagery and add or edit features
Test the widget using Live view or save and preview your app in another window. Select the widget, and click a location in the corresponding map that loads. For more information about how to use this widget and its tools, see the user guide.
The Classic Oriented Imagery widget includes the following settings:
- Select Map widget—Select a Map widget.
- Choose catalog—Choose the OIC
item that contains the images for users to view and
- You can add an OIC item from your content, groups of which you're a member (including groups in your organization or other organizations), and directly from the item URL.
- For applicable options, select the corresponding group or folder and catalog to browse to the item.
- Once you specify the OIC item that you want to use, click Add. (You can remove the catalog you've added by clicking Delete or adding another one to replace it.)
- Configure editing—Allow users to
add, delete, or update features in the imagery viewer by turning on
Add overlays to viewer and selecting Enable editing for each applicable layer.
The map or scene must contain at least one editable feature layer.
For example, users can display vector layers on top of the image and digitize an object, such as a hydrant, that can be viewed from any angle.