Feature Info widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.8.x)    |

The Feature Info widget shows details about features from a layer. It inherits the pop-up content defined for the associated feature layer (see Pop-ups: the essentials for details). If pop-ups aren’t configured for the feature layer, the widget returns a list of all the attributes from the feature layer instead.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to display features’ pop-up content in a large frame outside a map. You can put it alongside a map to interact with the map. On a smaller mobile screen, the Feature Info widget can display information clearly and appropriately.
  • You need to check a feature’s attributes when working with a List widget.

Usage notes

This widget requires that a data source be set. You can set actions for a Feature Info widget to interact with other widgets, such as zooming to the feature on a map in a Map widget or filtering out the feature on a List widget. You can also use this widget to display feature attributes without including a map in the app.


The Feature Info widget includes the following settings:

  • Source—Select the data source for a layer with attributes to show in the widget.
    • Filter and sortFilter the source data to restrict what appears in the widget. Sort the data to display features in a particular order. The applied filter and sort does not affect other widgets that use the same data.
    • Maximum features displayed—Limit the number of features that appear in the widget.
  • Details options—The pop-up information includes title, content, media, and attachments. If the feature layer has update tracking enabled, the pop-up can also include details for the last edit made. When configuring a Feature Info widget, you can optionally turn these details on or off, depending on what’s necessary to display in your app. You can also change the text size and color.
  • No data message—Decide what message to show in the Feature Info widget when a feature is missing the expected attribute or no features in the layer meet specified criteria.