The Oriented Imagery Viewer widget allows end users to interact with and visualize oriented imagery layers, which can contain imagery captured from any angle—including oblique, bubble, street-side, inspection, and 360-degree images—in a 2D map or 3D scene. Oriented imagery can be sourced from a variety of camera devices, including mobile cameras, drones, and terrestrial sensors.
Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:
- You want users to review asset inventory photos taken by field workers at a construction site.
- You want users to review street-side photos that capture property damange after a natural disaster.
- You want users to review close-range inspection images that show electrical towers from many angles.
- You want to create a virtual tour of a facility and provide 360-degree images along a path.
Usage notes
This widget requires connection to a Map widget. To use the Oriented Imagery Viewer widget, the map or scene must contain at least one oriented imagery layer. You can also use the widget with oriented imagery layers that you add at run time with the Add Data widget.
When you include this widget in an app and connect to a Map widget with oriented imagery layers, the widget panel provides users with the following interaction options:
- Enable viewer and Disable viewer—When you turn on Enable viewer, you can click an imagery location on the map the associated imagery will appear in the widget panel.
- Layer drop-down menu—Switch between oriented imagery layers. When you click a layer, the map pans to the layer's location.
The following tools appear in the widget panel if you turn them on in the widget settings:
- Graphics layers—There are three graphics layers that you can view to understand how images in an oriented imagery layer relate to the map:
- Current footprint—Displays the footprint of the current image as a red polygon on the map. In a scene, the current footprint displays as a 3D frustum. If you zoom or pan in the oriented imagery viewer, the footprint dynamically updates to highlight the areas on the map that are visible in the image.
- Additional footprints—Displays the coverage footprints in blue for all the images that contain the selected point (marked by a red cross) on the map or scene.
- Additional camera locations—Displays the locations of all the camera feature points that contain the selected point in vlue on the map or scene.
- Select Map-image location tool to perform image-to-ground and ground-to-image transformations that identify the same location on the map and on the image in the widget panel. If you select this tool and click the image, the corresponding location on the map will be identified with a red diamond. If you click the map, the corresponding location in the image will be identified with a red diamond.
- Select the Navigation tool to explore images that contain the selected location on the map using a compass.
- Select Image enhancement to adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness of the image using sliders. The enhancements will be maintained in the widget panel and applied to all the images viewed later, until the widget is closed. Click Reset to reset to the original values at any time.
- Select Image gallery to explore a carousel of low-resolution thumbnails of all images that depict the selected map location. Click a thumbnail to view the full-resolution image in the widget panel.
- Select Image overlays to list the feature layers available in the layer list and overlay them on the selected image in the widget panel.
- Select Show pop-ups to view the pop-up for the image in the widget panel. Read Configure pop-ups to learn more about configuring pop-ups for feature layers.
- Select Image measurement tools to list the various measurement options that can be applied to the image in the widget panel. Currently, four ground-related measurement options are available:
- Ground distance—Calculate distance between two points by drawing a line on the ground.
- Ground area—Calculate area by drawing a shape on the ground.
- Height above ground—Calculate an object's height above the ground.
- Ground location—Calculate and display ground coordinates for selected points.
The Oriented Imagery Viewer widget includes the following settings:
- Choose Map Widget—Select a Map widget.
- Configure Tools—You can turn on the following tools to include them in the widget panel at run time:
- Viewer tools—Include the three graphics layer tools in the widget panel. If you turn on this setting, the following additional settings appear:
- Image gallery tool—Include the image gallery tool in the widget panel.
- Image enhancement tool—Include the image enhancement tool in the widget panel.
- Map-image location tool—Include the Image map-image location tool in the widget panel.
- Show pop-ups—Include the pop-up tool in the widget panel.
- Navigation tool—Include the navigation tool in the widget panel.
- Measurement tools—Include the image measurement tools in the widget panel.
- Image overlays—Include the image overlay tool in the widget panel.
- Data capture—Allow users to create new features with the widget. If you turn on this setting, users can mark objects in an image, such as fire hydrants, traffic lights and potholes, and save them as features in a new feature layer. Once you create features, you can add them to the image with the Image overlays tool.
- Viewer tools—Include the three graphics layer tools in the widget panel. If you turn on this setting, the following additional settings appear: