Processing Templates widget

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ArcGIS imagery layers can have associated processing templates, called raster function templates. A raster function template is a reusable item that can contain one or more raster functions chained together. The Processing Templates widget applies raster function templates to their associated imagery layers. You can use this widget to change imagery layer display on the fly.

You can create raster function templates in ArcGIS Pro or in ArcGIS Online using the Raster Function Editor.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to reuse and automate your image analysis.
  • You want to apply many raster functions to an image all in a row in one operation rather than one at a time.
  • You have a pre-made chain of raster functions for measuring terrain burn severity, and you want to apply it to imagery data every time you collect new images after forest fires.

Usage notes

This widget requires connection to a Map widget. The connected web map or web scene must contain at least one imagery layer. The Processing Templates widget currently supports two types of imagery layers:

  • Dynamic imagery layers
  • Tiled imagery layers

For dynamic imagery layers, the source image services must support server-side rendering and processing. Image services must have the Allow client specified rendering rules parameter checked.

Imagery layers must have associated raster function templates.

When you connect the widget to a map or scene with supported imagery layers with associated raster function templates, the templates appear in a list in the widget panel. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the widget panel to switch between layers.


The Processing Templates widget includes the following settings:

  • Select a Map widget—Select a Map widget. A drop-down menu lists all of the Map widgets in the app. The Processing Templates widget connects automatically to the first map on the current page.
    • Any web maps or web scenes in the connected Map widget appear in a list. You can click the Select layers button to open the Select layers panel, where you can turn on Customize layers.
      • The following behaviors apply when you turn on Customize layers:
        • You can choose which imagery layers to connect to the Processing Templates widget.
        • If you add or remove layers from the map or scene at run time, those changes are not synced with the Processing Templates widget.
      • The following behaviors apply when you turn off Customize layers:
        • All supported imagery layers appear in the Processing Templates widget.
        • If you add or remove layers from the map or scene at run time, those changes are automatically synced with the Processing Templates widget.

Interaction options

This widget supports actions, which you can configure on the Action tab of the widget's settings.

Turn on data actions to add buttons to the widget's user interface for performing certain actions, such as panning and zooming to imagery on the map.