Quick reference

ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App allows you to evaluate sites and geographies for more than 100 countries and regions on your mobile device. You can tap into a large collection of demographic data, reports, and infographics; capture location information in the field; and share your work.

You work in the following screens when using the mobile app:

  • Map—View the map to create and open your sites.
  • Menu—Access your projects, connect to your organization, and configure your app settings.
  • Projects—View and manage your projects.


View and search the map currently open in your project. Create sites and modify existing ones. Tap a site to view its details, facts, and run reports and infographics.

Map screen



Find addresses and places. After finding a location, you can create a site from it.


Map Options

Open and view the following on the map:

  • Basemaps—Change the basemap used on the map.
  • Map Contents—View the map legend and a list of layers on the map.



Open the app menu.



Indicates whether the map is centered on your current location. When the arrow is blue, your map is centered to your location. When the arrow is gray, you can tap the arrow to center the map.



Indicates a site on your map. Tap the site to select it.


Site information

View details about the selected site.


Site options

Open the options for your selected site and do any of the following:

  • Run Reports—Tap to run classic reports and infographics for the site.
  • Compare Site—Compare the site with a geography or another site.
  • Take Photo—Tap to take a photo for the site.
  • Edit Site—Tap to edit the site.
  • Delete Site—Tap to delete the site.



View the facts for the site.



View the details for the site.


The Business Analyst Mobile App menu allows you to access your map, view your projects, connect to your organization, and configure your app settings. You can access the app menu by tapping the Menu button Menu options.



Sign out

Sign out of the app. Tap the Sign Out button Sign out and tap Sign Out.



Return to the map view.



View and access the content in your current project, or switch to another accessible project.



Access features from your ArcGIS organization by doing any of the following:

  • Search—Enter a search term to find maps and layers.
  • Current Web Map—Lists the web map currently open on your map. If you have not added a web map or layer, there is no map listed. Once you add a web map, you can use the toggle button in the Current Web Map section to turn it on and off on the map.
  • Favorites—Lists maps and layers you set as favorites.
  • Recent—Lists recent web maps added to the map.
  • My Maps—Lists your content.
  • Groups—Lists content from your groups and public groups.
  • Living Atlas—Lists content from ArcGIS Living Atlas in ArcGIS Online.
  • My Organization—Lists content from the organization to which you belong. Tap an organization name to view maps and layers shared by others in that organization and add them to the map.



Configure the app settings.



Access the following information:

  • View account name information and sign out.
  • View app version, build, and licensing information.
  • Access help documentation.


Send feedback

Send feedback by email.


Projects allow you to manage your work more effectively and in a way that is aligned with how your organization works. In the mobile app, you can view your projects. You cannot create a project or add layers to an existing project in the mobile app. To create and add layers to a project, use ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Projects screen


Current project

View the project currently open. Tap the project name to switch to another project you own or a project shared with you.



View the contents of the current project. Tap a category to view its layers and sites.

In this topic
  1. Map
  2. Menu
  3. Projects