Frequently asked questions about ArcGIS Survey123 are listed below.
- Can Survey123 work offline?
- What is XLSForm?
- What barcode types does Survey123 support?
- Does Survey123 support the High Efficiency Image Compression (HEIC) format?
- Does Survey123 include support for command line parameters?
- How can I use data captured with ArcGIS Survey123 in other ArcGIS apps?
- What accessibility standards and guidelines does ArcGIS Survey123 conform to?
- Where can I learn what is coming soon in Survey123?
ArcGIS organization
- How do I create an ArcGIS organization?
- How do I create a group in an ArcGIS organization?
- Does ArcGIS Survey123 consume ArcGIS Online credits?
- Where are my surveys stored?
- Can I change the owner of a survey?
- What ArcGIS role do I need to use Survey123?
- Can I share my survey with users outside my organization?
- Can I enable my organization's shared theme in Survey123?
Extend Survey123
Yes. Surveys continue to work in the Survey123 field app while disconnected.
If you've included a geopoint, geotrace, or geoshape question in a survey, be sure to also include an offline basemap. For details, see Prepare basemaps for offline use.
Questions that reference hosted data or a hosted service will not work when offline. For example, the search appearance, geocode appearance, and Javascript functions that reference hosted data or services will not work when offline.
XLSForm is a specification that describes how to define a form using a spreadsheet. It is a widely adopted standard and is described at length at
XLSForm allows you to specify the questions that will be present in your form, how they are presented to the user, and how to validate the responses.
Numerous data collection tools use XLSForms as their input. XLSForm spreadsheets that you create are converted into an .xml file following the XLSForm standard, that is then used in data collection tools.
Using Survey123, you can bring your own XLSForms into ArcGIS.
For a list of barcode types that Survey123 supports, see Barcode types.
The following command line parameters are supported by Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 field app. Use two hyphens before these parameters, for example, --show maximized.
- show maximized—Opens the window as maximized on desktop platforms.
- show fullscreen—Opens the window as full screen on desktop platforms.
- show minimized—Opens the window as minimized on desktop platforms.
- show normal—Opens the window as neither maximized, minimized, nor full screen.
- locale localeCode—Overrides the system language with the language defined by the locale code. For example, locale fr uses French translation files. This can be useful when testing your app in different languages.
- renderingEngine—Only supported on Windows desktop. This sets the graphics rendering engine. Supported values are default (that uses OpenGL and falls back to ANGLE if OpenGL encounters errors), opengl, and angle.
In the following example, Survey123 Connect will be launched in Spanish:
C:\Users\Username\Applications\ArcGIS\Survey123Connect\Survey123Connect.exe --locale es
ArcGIS Survey123 uses ArcGIS feature layers. In ArcGIS Desktop, you can download your data, perform analysis, edit locally, and push the data back into your feature layer. Using ArcGIS Field Maps, you can edit data captured in Survey123. In ArcGIS Pro, you can edit your data directly, and you can use Web AppBuilder, Dashboards, or Experience Builder to present web maps that include data collected with Survey123.
Esri is continually improving accommodations for people with disabilities and situational limitations. Survey123 includes desktop, web, and mobile apps, each with its own accessibility capabilities and limitations.
For more information about conformance, see the Accessibility Conformance Report for Survey123.
For guidelines on making your surveys more accessible, see the Web accessibility best practices for Survey123 authors blog post.
Join the Early Adopter Community to receive regular updates on features in development, test beta releases, and provide feedback on the forums.
You can also learn about what's coming by joining regular webinars and live sneak peek sessions from the Survey123 team. For more information, see ArcGIS Survey123 Events.
ArcGIS organization
An ArcGIS organization in either ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise is required to create surveys in ArcGIS Survey123, as well as for people to respond to surveys that aren't public. For information on starting an ArcGIS Online subscription, see Activate subscription or Manage trial subscription. To learn how to configure a new ArcGIS organization, see the Learn ArcGIS tutorial Set up an ArcGIS organization.
Groups can be used to share an ArcGIS item, including surveys and their results, to a specific set of users. For information on creating groups, see Get started creating groups for ArcGIS Online or Get started with groups for ArcGIS Enterprise.
ArcGIS Survey123 consumes ArcGIS Online credits for storage, geocoding, and when printing reports. Publishing, sharing, and viewing the results of a survey do not consume credits otherwise.
A survey is composed of multiple ArcGIS items. For each survey, Survey123 creates a folder in your ArcGIS account named Survey-SurveyName that contains the following:
- Form item—Contains the survey that can be opened in the Survey123 field app and web app.
- Feature layers—Store the responses to the survey. When you initially publish the survey, Survey123 also creates a hosted feature layer view named SurveyName_form (previously named SurveyName_fieldworker) for submissions. When you share the survey results using the Survey123 website, it creates a hosted feature layer view named SurveyName_results (previously named SurveyName_stakeholder). For more information, see FAQ: What are the form and results hosted feature layer views used for in ArcGIS Survey123? When surveys are created from an existing feature layer, publishing does not create new feature layers, so Survey123 references the existing feature layer from its source folder location.
Survey123 Connect version 3.21 and earlier did not create the _form layer view, so existing surveys that were initially published prior to version 3.22 use the hosted feature layer for submissions instead.
- Web map—Contains the survey's submission feature layer. By default, a web map is created when a survey is published from Survey123 Connect. You can choose not to create a web map during the publishing process. For more information, see Publish options. A web map is not created for surveys published from the Survey123 web designer.
An organization administrator can change the owner of a survey. On the All surveys tab on the Organization page of the Survey123 website, click the menu button in the lower right corner of the surveys card and click Change owner. Select the new owner and folder in which to store the survey in the new owners account, and click Change.
To learn more, see Manage surveys.
The following minimum privileges are required to publish a survey:
- Create content
- Publish hosted web layers
- Share maps and apps
Typically, this is the Publisher role, but you can also create a custom role in your organization that contains only these privileges.
The following minimum privileges are required to use a survey:
- Use maps and apps
- Join groups
- Edit features
Typically, this is the User role, but you can also create a custom role in your organization that contains only these privileges.
If a survey's submission settings are set to public, no ArcGIS account login is required to complete and submit the survey.
For more information, see ArcGIS requirements.
Yes. The Survey123 web designer allows a survey designer to use the organization's shared theme for their survey in the Appearance pane. In addition, an administrator can apply the organization's shared theme to Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 field app by enabling the Shared theme setting on the Organization page of the Survey123 website. For more information, see Organization survey and settings management.
Extend Survey123
There are two ways to embed a survey, you can Embed a survey using an iframe, or Embed a survey using JavaScript.
You can use the ArcGIS API for Python. To learn more see Python samples.