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Project tree

Reality Studio 2024.2    |

The Project Tree pane is accessible on the View tab. It is a tree-like structure that displays the data objects in the Reality Studio project and the associated layers that can be visualized in the Globe view. It is also an entry point for accessing tools and starting processes.

The Project Tree pane has a Data tab that displays the data tree, and a Visualization tab that displays the visualization tree.

Data tree

The data tree is accessible on the Data tab of the project tree. It displays the objects that represent the data that has been added to or generated in the project.

The data tree is organized into three main groups: Dataset, Alignments, and Reconstructions.

Dataset group

The Dataset group contains all the data that has been imported into the project including the following:

  • Capture Sessions—Images, orientation, and camera data captured in a single flight mission
  • Geometries—Geometries indicating regions of interest, water bodies, and built structures used to optimize and improve reconstructions results, and accelerate alignment processing
  • Control Points—3D coordinates (and their image measurements if available) used in alignments to aid in georeferencing or quality assurance

Alignments group

The data objects related to the alignments created in a project are displayed in the Alignments group of the data tree. The components of each alignment in the data tree are organized into three subgroups:

  • Inputs—Contains links to the camera sessions, control points (and their image measurements if available), and region of interest chosen as input for the alignment
  • Intermediates—Contains intermediate data objects such as automatic tie points, manual tie points, or measured control points
  • Results—Contains the optimized camera sessions that result from the alignment process

Reconstructions group

The data objects related to the reconstructions created in a project are displayed in the Reconstructions group of the data tree. The components of each reconstruction in the data tree are organized into two subgroups:

  • Inputs—Contains links to the camera sessions and geometries chosen as input for the reconstruction
  • Products—Contains the geospatial products that result from the reconstruction process. Products can include the following:
    • DSM
    • DSM Metalayers
    • True Ortho
    • DSM Mesh
    • Point Cloud
    • Mesh

Visualization tree

The visualization tree is accessible on the Visualization tab of the Project Tree pane and contains the layers associated with the data objects in a project. You can control how the layers appear using the visualization tree.

The visualization tree is organized into three main groups: Dataset, Alignments, and Reconstructions, following the same structure as the data tree.

To turn the visualization of a layer on or off, check or uncheck the layer check box.

To navigate to the extent of a layer, right-click the layer and click Zoom to Layer.