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Prepare ArcGIS Reality Studio for offline use

Reality Studio 2024.2    |

Some functionality in ArcGIS Reality Studio relies on internet connectivity to access data stored on Esri services. If your environment requires running ArcGIS Reality Studio offline, additional data can be installed locally on your machine so that all main processing steps can be performed.

Install ArcGIS Raster Data

The ArcGIS Raster Data component is required to provide an offline version of the EGM2008 model used throughout the workflow.

To install ArcGIS Raster Data, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the ArcGIS Raster Data installation from My Esri.

    The downloaded file name is ArcGIS_Raster_Data_Windows_<release_part#>.


    For more information, open the My Esri help and click Common Questions and Guided Help.

  2. Load the ArcGIS Raster Data installation file on each machine where ArcGIS Reality Studio is installed.
  3. Browse to the location of the ArcGIS Raster Data file, and double-click it to start the installation process.
  4. Accept the default Raster Data destination folder where the files will be extracted, or click Browse and choose a different destination folder.

    The default destination path for the Raster Data folder and files is <System Drive>\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS <version>\RasterData.

  5. Click Next.

    A message indicates when the files have been successfully extracted, and the Launch the setup program check box is checked by default.


    To install the software later, uncheck the Launch the setup program check box and click Close. When you are ready to install, browse to the RasterData folder in the destination folder you specified in the previous step, open the RasterData folder, and double-click Setup.exe.

  6. In the Welcome to the ArcGIS Raster Data Setup program window, click Next.
  7. Review the license agreement and do one of the following:
    • If you agree to the terms, click the option to accept the agreement and click Next.
    • If you do not agree to the terms, click Cancel to exit the installation.
  8. In the Destination Folder window, accept the default installation folder location, or click Browse to specify a different folder.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Install.
  11. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

ArcGIS Raster Data is installed on the workstation and is ready to use.

Work offline

Once ArcGIS Raster Data has been installed, you can start ArcGIS Reality Studio.

At startup, a notification dialog box indicates that ArcGIS Raster Data is used for processing and presenting data in the globe window.

Limitations when working offline

While working offline, keep the following limitations in mind:

  • Basemap layer—Without the online basemap layer, the globe is presented as a gray surface. As an alternative to the basemap, you can create a dynamic orthophoto from your camera sessions, which will help with navigating the data.
  • Sharing functionality—You cannot directly connect to your ArcGIS Online account while the machine is offline. You can, however, upload the results to ArcGIS Online through another workstation that is online and has access to the data. Another option is to first export the results to a transfer medium and use an online device for the upload.
  • Projects created while being online cannot be opened offline.
  • Esri User Experience Improvement Program—No data can be shared while ArcGIS Reality Studio is offline.

Remove ArcGIS Raster Data

You can uninstall ArcGIS Raster Data if you no longer need ArcGIS Reality Studio to work offline.

To modify the ArcGIS Raster Data installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the machine as a Windows administrator and open the list of installed software.

    There are multiple ways to access the list of software installed on Microsoft Windows machines, and how you access the list varies by Windows version. If you are unsure how to access the software list, consult the Microsoft documentation for the version of Windows that you are using.

  2. Choose ArcGIS Raster Data from the software list, click Uninstall, and click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to uninstall.
  3. Ensure that Remove is selected and click Next.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. When the uninstallation is complete, click Finish.

ArcGIS Raster Data is removed from your workstation.