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Set navigation options

Reality Studio 2024.2    |

You can customize the default navigation experience for the globe in ArcGIS Reality Studio. These settings control how you orient your view, identify features, and navigate and manage your extent.

You can set navigation options from the application settings. In an open project, click the Project tab to open the application settings. Click the Options tab to open the Options dialog box. On the Options dialog box, under the Navigation heading, you can set the following options:

  • Mouse wheel roll forward—Controls zooming in and out on a view. By default, Zooms in is selected. With this option, when you rotate the wheel button forward, you zoom in on your view. Select Zooms out to reverse this behavior.
  • Transition time—Controls the amount of time the application takes to move from one visible extent to another. By default, this option is set to zero seconds, which updates the view extent instantaneously. You can increase the transition time to show the navigation between locations to help maintain your orientation within the view. Transition time is applied for navigation events such as zooming to a layer, and using the commands to go to the previous or next extent.
  • Enable panning gestures—Assists with navigation when panning globes. When you click and release the mouse, the application assists in navigating toward the direction the mouse was released, like a push or pull to glide in that direction. This option is checked by default. If you uncheck this option, the assistance is not provided.
  • Follow terrain during roam—Specific to 3D navigation, this option maintains your position above ground, so it stays fixed even as you move forward, backward, uphill, or downhill. The view avoids bumping into or going through hills and can be useful when using roam near street-level navigation in hilly cities. When this option is checked, the wheel button can still be used for zooming in and out and changing the camera's altitude. This option is not checked by default.
  • Show distance to cursor—Specific to 3D navigation, this option displays the straight-line distance from your view position to a location in the view, such as a mountaintop or corner of a building. The value displays in the status bar at the bottom of the view, next to the coordinate display units. This option is not checked by default.
  • First person navigation speed exaggeration—Specific to 3D navigation, this controls the initial camera travel speed when first-person navigation mode is enabled.
  • On Screen Navigator
    • Show Navigator when opening 2D views—By default, no navigator control shows when a new 2D view is opened. You can optionally configure 2D views to open always showing the navigator using Heading or Full Control mode.
    • Show Navigator when opening 3D views—By default, the navigator control shows in Heading mode, allowing you to know where north is and click to reset the view to north. Drag the outer ring to pan around the scene. Optionally, configure 3D views to open with the navigator maximized for full control or no navigator at all.
    • Default Navigator size—Adjusts the initial size of the navigator as it will appear each time in a view.
  • Pop-ups
    • Use classic pop-up mode—Use this option to override the default styling and use the classic pop-up styling at all times.
    • Honor dark theme—Pop-ups honor the dark theme when the application is in this mode. This option is on by default. Turn it off to display the attribute portion of pop-ups in the light theme styling regardless of the application setting.
    • Block JavaScript content—Use this option to block pop-ups that contain JavaScript content. This option is on by default.

      If you are an administrator who wants to block JavaScript content in all pop-ups for the machine, you can do so by creating the following value in the Windows registry:


      To restrict nonadministrator users from enabling this option, set this value to 1. Set the value to 0, or delete the value entirely, to allow nonadministrator users to control pop-up content.

    • Show crosshairs when flashing—Use this option to display four lines that draw from the outer edge of the map view to center on a flashed feature.