Work with map data


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Use the Zoom To or Select tools on the Map Data tab to zoom to or select a specific feature or features on a map from their corresponding row, cell, or cell range in the Excel spreadsheet. See Maps to learn about maps and layers.

Map Data tab with tools

Select specific features on a map

Use the Select tool on the Map Data tab to select a specific feature or features on a map.

To select a specific feature or features from Excel, do the following:

  1. In an Excel spreadsheet, locate the row or rows that contain the features you want to see on the map.
  2. Click the Map Data tab.
  3. Click Select Select.

    If you selected a single row in Excel, the unselected features on the map fade out, leaving the selected row and feature active.

  4. Click Zoom To Zoom To to zoom in to this active feature.

    You can click the selected feature to view its details in a pop-up.

Zoom to a specific feature from an Excel spreadsheet

You can get a closer look at details on the map by zooming to a feature.

To zoom in to a specific feature from Excel, do the following:

  1. In an Excel spreadsheet, locate and select the rows that contain the features you want to see closer on the map.
  2. Click the Map Data tab.
  3. Click Zoom To Zoom To.

    The map zooms in and displays the selected feature in the center of the map. If you selected multiple rows, the map zooms to show the extent of the selected features.