This is an archive related to a previous version of Esri Maps for IBM Cognos. If you need the current version go to

Required IBM Cognos capabilities

All end users of reports configured with Esri Maps for IBM Cognos require the capability to execute report specifications. Thus, all intended consumers of augmented content must obtain certain system capabilities. The following steps must be completed by an IBM Cognos administrator:

  1. In a web browser, browse to IBM Cognos Administration and click Security > Capabilities.
  2. Click Report Studio > Set Properties.
  3. Click the Permissions tab and set the following permissions for all users, groups, and roles that are permitted to consume reports augmented by Esri Maps for IBM Cognos:
    • Traverse
  4. Click OK to return to the main security capabilities page.
  5. Click Report Studio and select HTML Items in Report > Set Properties.
  6. Click the Permissions tab and set the following permissions for the same users, groups, and roles:
    • Traverse
    • Execute
    • Read
  7. Click OK to return to the main security capabilities page.
  8. Click Specification > Set Properties.
  9. Click the Permissions tab and set the following permissions for the same users, groups, and roles:
    • Execute