This is an archive related to a previous version of Esri Maps for IBM Cognos. If you need the current version go to
Before you can configure Apache, IBM Cognos Business Intelligence must be set up to work with the Apache HTTP Server (or an Apache-based web server) and the IBM Cognos alias must be named ibmcognos.
For more information about Apache configuration, see About Apache configuration.
The following steps should be completed on each EM4C Gateway computer in your environment.
To successfully run Esri Maps for IBM Cognos, Apache’s main configuration file (httpd.conf) must be modified to add the appropriate Esri Maps for IBM Cognos aliases and script aliases.
Before you begin, take note of the EM4C cgi-bin directory (as it pertains to your environment). It will be one of the following:
The following creates one script alias named cgi-bin and one alias named em4c. In order for Esri Maps for IBM Cognos to function properly, these names cannot be changed. The following assumes that Esri Maps for IBM Cognos has been installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\esrimaps\em4c and that the changes to the Apache configuration file are made by a user who has write access to the Apache installation location (for example, an administrator). It is important that the em4c/cgi-bin script alias be defined before the em4c alias, and that Esri Maps for IBM Cognos aliases be defined before IBM Cognos aliases.
After adding the following aliases, restart the web server process.
ScriptAlias /ibmcognos/em4c/cgi-bin “C:/Program Files (x86)esrimaps/em4c/cgi-bin-64bit�
<Directory “C:/Program Files (x86)/esrimaps/em4c/cgi-bin-64bit�>
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny Allow from all
Alias /ibmcognos/em4c “C:/Program Files (x86)/esrimaps/em4c/webcontent�
<Directory “C:/Program Files (x86)/esrimaps/em4c/webcontent�>
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny Allow from all
In a vast majority of environments, Apache will be installed as a Windows service. The Apache documentation recommends that a separate account (with reduced permissions) be created for running the Apache service. This account (local or domain) requires specific access permissions to the EM4C temp directory so that the EM4C technology pieces can access/modify its contents as necessary.