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Use cases for ArcGIS IPS

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the ArcGIS IPS extension.

Indoor GIS facilitates the implementation of GIS workflows inside buildings and facilities. Indoor GIS is designed to improve traditional facility data management from the perspective of space planning, space management and allocation, asset inspection, maintenance, and position tracking. You can use live indoor positioning to elevate and simplify workflows for data capturing, inspection, and maintenance. With ArcGIS IPS, you can implement an indoor positioning system to compliment many of these workflows. The following are some common use cases that can benefit from an indoor positioning system:

  • Indoor asset management—Provides a precise live location to help facility technicians locate themselves inside (large and complex) indoor spaces while performing indoor asset inspection tasks. It mirrors and enables familiar field operations workflows of finding and locating an asset to be inspected or maintained.
  • Safety and security—Use location sharing and tracking capabilities of the ArcGIS ecosystem with live indoor locations to ensure operational safety of security staff in an organization.
  • Occupant experience—Visitors and members of an organization using ArcGIS IPS at their facilities can rely on precise live indoor location to position themselves in indoor environments and more efficiently find the optimal way to their indoor destinations.

Each use case has unique requirements and expectations. Safety and security use cases are generally fulfilled with an average precision of 10 meters—20 meters (30 feet—65 feet) as security staff rarely need to be tracked with high precision. Having a rough overview of the staffing circulation generally provides sufficient insight to facility managers and does not delay reactions to potential incidents. However, asset management employees may require higher precision to navigate to and identify the elements or assets in the environment that need attention. Similar to occupants of large indoor spaces who want to navigate to a desired point of interest or a destination, facility technicians are more effective when the live blue dot on their device’s screen is depicting the position within 5 meters—10 meters (16 feet—30 feet) of their actual real-world location.