
The Kafka feed type in ArcGIS Velocity subscribes to and consumes messages from an externally accessible Kafka broker. Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming platform that you can use to do the following:

  • Publish and subscribe to a stream of messages through topics.
  • Reliably store streams of messages.
  • Process streams of messages.

For more information about Kafka, see the Apache Kafka documentation.


The following are example uses of the Kafka feed:

  • A data analyst wants to ingest sensor data through a Kafka broker.
  • A transportation department configures a Kafka feed to consume vehicle positions and attribute information.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Kafka feed:

  • This feed type supports connectivity to Confluent Kafka.
  • Don't use a single consumer group for multiple topics. Create a consumer group for each topic.
  • If there are multiple consumers (a Velocity Kafka feed is a consumer) using a single consumer group to consume data from a topic, each consumer (or feed) only receives part of the data depending on the number of partitions of the topic.
  • If there are more consumers of a topic using the same consumer group than the number of partitions, some consumers will not receive any data.
  • Do not use the same consumer group referenced by a Velocity Kafka feed outside of Velocity.
  • After configuring feed connection parameters, see Configure input data to learn how to define the schema and the key parameters.


The following are the parameters for the Kafka feed:

ParameterDescriptionData type


A comma-delimited list of Kafka brokers specified as server:port, for example, machine1.domain.com:9092,machine2.domain.com:9092.



The Kafka topic from which Velocity will consume messages.


Consumer group ID


The Kafka consumer group Velocity will join as a member.



Specifies the type of authentication that will be used to access the HTTP endpoint. Authentication options are None, SASL/PLAIN, SASL/SCRAM-SHA-256, and SASL/SCRAM-SHA-512.



Species whether SSL (SASL_SSL) will be used when connecting to the Kafka broker.


This should match the configuration the broker has on a specified port. If false, Velocity will connect via PLAINTEXT.



The username for accessing the Kafka broker.

This parameter only applies when Authentication is set to SASL/PLAIN, SASL/SCRAM-SHA-256, or SASL/SCRAM-SHA-512.



The password for accessing the Kafka broker.

This parameter only applies when Authentication is set to SASL/PLAIN, SASL/SCRAM-SHA-256, or SASL/SCRAM-SHA-512.


Considerations and limitations

The Kafka broker must be externally accessible on the internet.