What's new

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The November 2024 update for ArcGIS Instant Apps includes the new features, app templates, and enhancements listed below. For more information, see the What's new in Instant Apps blog article.

Instant Apps home

  • There is a new Getting started section in the Learn more panel that describes some basic tips for using ArcGIS Instant Apps.


  • Language switcher has several updates. Language switcher settings now can be found in Express mode. The configuration now also includes partial support for non-Esri supported languages. See Translate app text for more information. It has also been added to the Compare, Countdown, Exhibit, Insets, Observer, and Reporter templates.
  • Export has replaced Screenshot as the primary tool to export the map in your app. Additional file formats have been added and your custom header logo can now be included in the export.


  • Compare is out of beta and contains several enhancements, including a new configuration option to choose the number of visible maps or locations in the layout, a new right-side toolbar for multimap tools, and the option to enable a button that synchronizes the view of every location or map in the app.
  • Observer is out of beta and now includes attribute filter configuration options as well as the time filter.
  • Streamflow Viewer is out of beta and includes a U.S. model to predict streamflow. In addition, export measurement is now a configuration option.
  • 3D Viewer now includes an oriented imagery tool and a viewshed analysis tool.
  • Atlas now includes the time slider configuration option for time-aware maps. Additionally, app users can now add pop-ups for sketched features.
  • Interactive Legend has a new compact legend configuration option.
  • Manager includes several configuration experience enhancements, including the ability for users to search in layers where full text indexes are configured. You can also now enable the options for app users to create features and edit feature geometry. Additionally, you can now choose the default layout for the app upon launch.
  • Media Map has enhanced swipe tool functionality.
  • Public Notification has added additional list configuration options to allow app authors to select what options appear in the list.
  • Sidebar has a minor configuration update that affects all apps. Users with existing apps created using Sidebar who want to display the attribute table for layers in the layer list must update their layer list settings and republish their apps.
  • Zone Lookup has added a statistics tool that can present statistics about search results.