The June 2024 update for ArcGIS Instant Apps includes the new features, app templates, and enhancements listed below. For more information, see the What's new in Instant Apps blog article.
Instant Apps home
- New popover style onboarding is available on the Instant Apps home page. From the header, click Learn more to open a side panel with tips and information about getting started. Information pop-ups appear and can be dismissed as needed.
- In all apps in which Language switcher is available, you can use the Auto Translate option (beta), which uses machine translation to automatically translate the custom text that you input. Language switcher is also now available in Portfolio.
- When in full setup mode, pop-up configuration settings can now be found under the Interactivity tab in the Explore/navigate options instead of the About tab.
- When enabling web analytics for your app, Universal Analytics has been replaced with Google Analytics 4. For more information, see the deprecation notice from Google.
- Compare (beta) is a new app template that allows users to choose between two comparison modes. One mode allows users to compare up to four maps, scenes, or a mix of maps and scenes at the same location. The other mode allows users to use bookmarks or slides to compare multiple locations of the same map. Compare (beta) also includes a basic set of map exploration tools to help navigate locations, maps, or scenes in the app.
- Atlas has several enhancements including support for app users (user type Creator and above) to launch off to other apps (such as ArcGIS StoryMaps, Instant Apps, or Map Viewer) to share maps they have created in Atlas.
- Attachment Viewer now supports an autoplay configuration option. You can enable autoplay, which automatically cycles through features once users launch the app. You can also set the number of seconds each feature is displayed before moving to the next.
- Exhibit now allows you to add visual emphasis to slide notes by using borders and drop shadows, as well as by adding a title and your own text to slide notes. Additionally, the option to include slide notes in list format on a side panel has been added.
- Manager includes several configuration experience enhancements, including the ability to add an introduction window to your app. You can now configure the default sorting order for each of the layers included in the table. An option to select a color for secondary panels has also been added.
- Reporter is out of beta and now supports the enabling of commenting on existing reports, voting on reports using likes and dislikes, and a set of basic map exploration tools to navigate the map and submitted reports. This app replaces the Crowdsource Polling and Crowdsource Reporter configurable app templates.
- Streamflow Viewer (beta) is a new app template that allows users to visualize 10 days of river flow forecasts. This app automatically includes the GEOGLOWS Streamflow Model map service, a river forecast from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) that reports streamflow every three hours. App viewers can interact with a chart showing the return period flow for a specific stream segment and animate changes in forecast data for each stream segment using the time slider.
Zone Lookup has improved sketch capabilities. App users can create a zone from a sketch or select a point, line, or polygon and apply a buffer.