What's new

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |

The ArcGIS Instant Apps update includes the new features and enhancements listed below.

Instant Apps home

  • The Instant Apps home page includes a new Choose map option that allows you to choose or change the preselected map or scene to preview apps before creating them. The Choose map window shows item details and includes a link to view the item page to help you choose a suitable map or scene for your app.
  • The Suggestions panel, which helps you choose an app, appears by default on the Create tab.
  • The My Apps tab now includes filters in the side panel so you can find apps created from specific templates and filter apps based on their sharing level. You can also view apps created by other members in your organization. In addition to the source content and template used, the app cards now indicate the item owner, which is linked to the user profile.


  • For guidance choosing and configuring apps, use the new capabilities matrix in the documentation to compare app templates and their available tools.
  • The configuration window has new onboarding messages that appear when you first open it. You can also open the new Get started panel to see these messages again or to learn about additional settings for which you can click a link to take you to the option in the configuration.
  • The configuration panel includes a new button to save a copy of the app.
  • When you turn on the social sharing setting, the link now includes parameters that preserve the current appearance of an app, such as the map extent, visible layers, and selected features, so users can share what they see.
  • When you include the search tool in your app and set it to use all search sources, you can now configure the other settings, such as placeholder text and zoom scale.
  • For app settings that allow you to provide text, such as introductions and descriptions, the rich text editor opens in a callout window so you have more space to see and work with the content.
  • More theme settings are available in the majority of the templates. Style the app with new preset themes that are designed specifically for dark mode. You can now use one font for the header and another font for the other text elements throughout the app, such as buttons, tools, menus, pop-ups, and descriptions. When you add a logo to the header, you can choose from three sizes.


  • When you include the option to show the attribute table in the Layer list settings (for 3D Viewer, Media Map, and Sidebar), users can now export records as a .csv file.
  • When you include the Measurement tool (in 3D Viewer, Exhibit, Media Map, and Sidebar), users can now find and convert coordinates.
  • 3D Viewer has new options to configure time-enabled data and add a cover page.
  • Category Gallery has a new option in the item card display settings to open web maps in Map Viewer when users click the thumbnail in the gallery.
  • Chart Viewer has a new map selection tool to show chart selections that correspond with features selected in the map. You can also set chart legends to open by default. Support has been added for pie charts. Chart panels now include the zoom and full extent buttons.
  • Countdown includes a play button that you can provide for app users to cycle through all countdown and leaderboard lists without requiring additional interaction.
  • Exhibit now supports creating apps from web scenes and importing time-enabled bookmarks to create slides. Slide notes now increase in height for longer content and app users can use the new Toggle note button in the control panel to hide the slide note. New slide transition types have been added for panning the map or flying in the scene to the next location. The Exhibit configuration has streamlined options for creating and editing multiple slides without leaving the slide configuration window. Save time by duplicating the current slide or clicking the next and previous buttons to edit more slides while it automatically saves your changes. For ease of use, access map settings on one side and slide settings on the other side. A new preview button allows you to hide the settings panels when you want a full-screen view of the slide you've configured.
  • Media Map allows you to include a tool for app users to magnify a portion of the map.
  • The Minimalist template has been deprecated. Existing apps created from this template will continue to work, and you can still configure them, but they won't get code updates. You can create a similar app using the Sidebar template.
  • Nearby has new options to choose the fill and outline colors for highlighting selected features in the map. When you opt to include related records in the results, it's now highlighted and in the map extent. You can now provide the option for app users to export results to CSV.
  • Portfolio has new options to hide section information. You can hide the default link for opening maps in Map Viewer or Scene Viewer and exclude the terms of use from the item details. You can also hide the next and previous buttons for navigating sections. For the accordion layout, choose a larger size for the panel to allow more space for detailed descriptions. A new mobile design ensures that the app content displays well on a mobile device.
  • Sidebar has a new option to set the zoom scale for selected features. Include measurement tools so app users can measure distance and area in the map. The Layer list setting has new options to include buttons for each layer to show its legend, open its attribute table, and zoom to its extent. The edit tool now allows you to show or hide snapping settings.
  • Slider allows you to choose a field from multiple layers to animate related numeric data at the same time. You can also simplify the appearance of the time slider by excluding markers and labels.
  • Zone Lookup has a new option to show the selected result feature in the map while hiding the other features. You can also choose colors for highlighting the selected feature in the map. When you opt to include related records in the results, it's now highlighted and in the map extent. You can now set a map scale for showing results after a search is performed to override the default map scale. Use the new spatial relationship setting to choose a method for finding polygon or line features within a zone or drawn area. Provide the option for app users to export results to CSV.