Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Spaces extension.
Space needs and usage constantly change within an organization. Organization areas in Indoors Space Planner help with space allocation across different divisions in an organization. Examples include School of Engineering or Arts for a university, Administration or Accounting for state and local government offices, and Sales, Marketing, or Customer Support for a business.
Spaces can be allocated to different organization areas or reallocated to other organization areas based on business needs. Common spaces such as conference rooms or laboratories can be allocated to more than one organization area. Organization areas can also be used to plan space allocation when an organization is undergoing restructuring. Allocating spaces to an organization area also facilitates workspace area planning by giving space planners insight into which units are available for assignment.
After you create and open a plan, the Allocate tab in Space Planner displays the number of unallocated units and information about the organization areas in the plan. You can do the following when space planning:
- Create organization areas from occupant data.
- Use organization areas to allocate units and change or remove allocations.
- Review organization areas in a comprehensive table.
These actions are described further in the sections below.
To make changes to a plan, you must be assigned the default Data Editor role or higher. If you are using a custom role, ensure that the edit features privilege is enabled to open and edit plans.
Prerequisites for organization areas
Organization areas require the following ArcGIS Indoors Information Model schema components introduced at ArcGIS Pro 3.4:
- The ORG_LEVEL_1 field included in the Occupants feature class must be populated with values.
- The ORG_AREA_ID field included in the Units feature class.
- The CONFIG field included in the Areas table.
- The Organization value included in the DOM_AREA_TYPE domain.
If the Indoors model was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or earlier, you can use the Upgrade Indoors Database tool to upgrade the Indoors workspace to the latest version of the Indoors model schema for the installed version of ArcGIS Pro.
Organization areas are based on the unique values in the ORG_LEVEL_1 field of the Occupants feature class. You must have the values populated to create Organization areas in Space Planner.
You must enable the Organization Areas capability in the app configurator to create organization areas, and the Shared Allocation capability to allocate a unit to more than one organization area. These capabilities are disabled by default.
Additionally, the Shared Allocation capability requires the prerequisites for organization areas, as well as the ALLOCATIONS field for the Units feature class, with the following attributes:
- Alias: Allocations
- Type: Text
- Field length: 4000
- Allow Null Values: Yes
You can add the ALLOCATIONS field to the Units layer of an existing hosted feature layer being used for Space Planner in ArcGIS Online. After adding the field, create a new plan to start making shared allocations.
Create an organization area
To create an organization area in Space Planner, complete the following steps:
- Click the Allocate tab.
- On the Allocate tab, click Organization Areas.
The Organization Areas table appears.
- In the Organization Areas table, click Add.
The Add an organization area window appears.
- In the Add an organization area window, click the Source drop-down arrow and select an existing source for a new organization area.
The default list of names is populated from the ORG_LEVEL_1 field in the Occupants layer in the Indoors model.
- Optionally, click the color button to change the color of the organization area that you want to create.
This color is used to represent the organization area in the map.
The symbology of the map when using the Allocate tab and the Legend view reflects the selected colors for organization areas.
- Click Add.
The units that are assigned to occupants with the selected ORG_LEVEL_1 value are automatically allocated to the organization area during creation. Organization areas created with more than 2,500 units assigned to occupants are not automatically allocated.
The new organization area appears in the Organization Areas table and can be used to allocate units.
Allocate units
After creating organization areas, you can allocate units and change or remove allocations in Space Planner by doing any of the following:
- On the Allocate tab, click Units to access the Unallocated Units list, which you can use to allocate units that do not have an existing allocation.
- Hover over a unit in the Unallocated Units list or the Units list and click Organization Area.
- Click Units
to access the Units list.
The Units list contains all of the units in the Indoors workspace. You can filter the Units list when changing allocations. You can configure list filters when creating the Space Planner app, or anytime after creating the app.
- Click a unit on the map to access the popover for the unit.
- Use the map selection tools to allocate or change and remove allocations for multiple units at once.
Allocate units to more than one organization area
You can allocate a unit to more than one organization area. Common examples include a classroom or laboratory being shared between chemistry and biology classes at a university, or a conference room being shared by sales, marketing, and accounting departments in a corporate office.
You must enable the Shared Allocation capability in the Configure App panel to allocate a unit to more than one organization area. This capability is disabled by default.
You can designate shared allocations by using the Unallocated Units list, the Units list, or by clicking a unit on the map to access the popover and specifying the desired allocation percentages based on the needs of each organization area. The total shared allocation must equal 100%.
If an organization area has shared allocations and is deleted, the share percentage of the deleted organization area is reallocated to the organization area with the highest remaining allocation percentage. For example, a conference room at a university campus has shared allocations of 50% to Admissions, 30% to Financial Aid, and 20% to Human Resources. If the Human Resources organization area is deleted, then the 20% allocation percentage is reallocated to Admissions, totaling 70%. The symbology of the unit on the map always reflects the color of the organization area with the highest shared allocation percentage.
In case of equal allocation percentages, the symbology of the unit is set to the color of the organization area that was allocated first.
Review organization areas
The organization areas table provides a comprehensive view of organization areas and their allocated units and occupants. To open the organization areas table, click Organization Areas on the Allocate tab. You can use this table to gain insights on which organization areas have unassigned occupants or units to help make decisions on the allocation of resources for different organization areas, or review which organization areas have units that share allocations. The table also shows how many of the allocated units are assigned to a workspace area as hot desks, hotels, or meeting rooms.
To focus the map extent on an organization area, click Zoom to next to an organization area name in the table, and, optionally, use the floor filter to review allocated spaces on different floors.
Review units and people allocations
To access additional tables for units and people related to the selected organization area, click an organization area row in the organization areas table.
The Units view displays allocated units for the selected organization area. You can search for a specific unit, determine which units are unassigned, review the allocation percentage of units that share allocations, and click a row in the table to locate a unit on the map. You can also click Unallocate to remove unit allocations.
The People view displays occupants who belong to the selected organization area. You can search for a specific occupant or click a row in the table to open the info card for an occupant and locate them on the map.
The text- and number-based columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order alphabetically or numerically.
The sorting of the Assigned To column is based on total number of assignments.
To edit the name and color of an organization area, click Organization Area Settings . To delete an organization area, click Delete Organization Area
. If an organization area is deleted, all units are unallocated from it.