Esri Business Summary

Esri Business Summary data summarizes the Business Locations from Data Axle for specified North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) summary categories by geography. These include the total number of businesses, total sales, and total number of employees for a trade area.

A key differentiator of Data Axle business data is the addition of two proprietary digits onto the standard government-provided industrial classification codes. These extra two digits, which produce an eight-digit NAICS code and a six-digit SIC code, provide additional detail about the business type.

For standard government NAICS and SIC code definitions, see the NAICS website and the SIC Manual.

The Business Summary database provides statistics for the following:

  • Total sales
  • Total number of employees
  • Number of businesses by industry


Esri Business Summary data is available for the following:

  • February 2024 (in 2020 Census geography).
  • February 2023 (in 2020 Census geography).

Available geographies

See Advanced Demographics available geographies.

Update frequency

Esri Business Summary data is updated annually.

Sample reports

The Business Summary (PDF) sample Business Summary report is available.

It is important to take note of the number of credits required to run reports and infographics. For more information, see Credits by capability in the ArcGIS Online help (scroll to Business Search, Infographics, and Reports).

Reference documents

Refer to the methodologies and data catalogs for the correct data vintage.


See the following for 2024:


See the following for 2023:

Data availability

Business data is available in various products including the following:

For information about purchasing Esri Demographics data as stand-alone datasets, contact


For more information about Business data, visit Get started with U.S. Updated Demographics—Part 2: Explore lifestyle, behavioral, business, and census data.