Use My Trash Services

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The My Trash Services solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share typical waste pickup schedules with the public, highlight schedule changes, and promote nearby recycling centers and the materials accepted.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Find recycling centers and curbside service information

You will assume the role of a resident in the community, and you want to know when your next trash pickup day is and find nearby recycling centers.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the My Trash Services solution.
  2. View the My Trash Services app.
  3. In the Locate Services widget, under Search for an address or locate on map, type an address in the community and press Enter.
  4. Optionally, click and slide the search buffer by distance.

    The list updates to display recycling centers and trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup details.

  5. Click Recycling Facilities and click one of the facilities.

    The Information tab displays details about the recycling facility, including materials accepted, location, hours of operation, and contact details.

  6. Click the Directions tab. The tab displays turn-by-turn directions from the searched address to the closest recycling facility.
  7. Click the Recycling Facilities button once to return to the list of recycling facilities, and click it again to return to the full list of trash and recycling services.
  8. Click Trash Pickup and review information and directions about trash pickup.
  9. Click the Back button to return to the full list of trash and recycling services. Repeat step 6 to view recycling and yard pickup details.