Configure Market Development

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

In this topic, you will learn how to configure the Market Development solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Prevent duplicate records

To support the updating of data using the Append Data to Layer and to ensure accurate statistics within the information products of the solution. You'll need to add an attribute index which applies a unique constraint to facility_id field in the facilities layer.

To add an unique constraint, complete the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  2. At the top of the site, click Content.
  3. On the My Content tab, type Assets in the search box.
  4. On the left under Folders, click the folder Market Development was deployed to.
  5. On the right side of the page, click Assets to view it details.
  6. Under the Layers section, click Assets.
  7. In the URL section , click View.

    A new tab opens into the ArcGIS REST Service Directory for this item.

  8. In the URL bar of the browser, edit the URL with the following changes:
    1. Add the word admin between /rest/ and /services/. (For example: ArcGIS/rest/admin/services/assets.)
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Add to Definition.
    3. A window appears where you will be entering JSON to add an index to the layer.
    4. In the text box , copy the following:
      "indexes" : [{
      "name" : "asset_id_Index",
      "fields" : "asset_id",
      "isAscending" : false,
      "isUnique" : true,
      "description" : ""
    5. Click Add To Layer Definition to commit update.

      The following message will appear if add was successful. {"success": true}

  9. In the browser, return to the Assets layer tab and click on the Data tab.
  10. Click the Fields and click on Asset.

    This page reveals the properties for the asset_id field. Under Settings, the Unique field is set to Yes.

Load data

Information must be loaded before using the Market Explorer Dashboard and Sales Performance Dashboard. The AssetSource and SalesdataSource can be used to organize your business information before loading into ArcGIS the accompanying sales data in your organization.


Ensure you populate the Asset_ID column in the AssetSource with unique values.

You may need to load existing assets or sales data from a spreadsheet. Review the maps or applications provided with the solution and determine what, if any, source data you would like to load.

If you do not have an inventory of assets and sales data in ArcGIS, you may have them in a spreadsheet or another system you can export to a spreadsheet. If you don’t have a spreadsheet already, you can use the sample .csv files included with the solution (AssetSource, SalesdataSource) to inventory your assets and sales data.

To load your assets or sales data from a spreadsheet, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the AssetSource item.
  2. Open the items details page.
  3. Click Download.
  4. Edit the CSV file and populate your facility information in the document.

    At a minimum, you must provide a unique Asset_ID and the latitude and longitude for each facility in the FacilitySource. If you don't have a unique ID, you can edit the CSV file in Excel and copy this formula into the first row of the facilityid column: =CONCATENATE("Asset-", TEXT(ROW(A1),"00000")). You can then drag the right corner of the cell to fill the formula down for all facilities, giving each a unique ID.

  5. In your ArcGIS organization at the top of the site, click Content.
  6. Browse to the Assets feature layer.
  7. On the item details page, click Update Data and select Append Data to Layer.
  8. Under Filename, choose your .csv file.
  9. Click Upload and Continue.
  10. Uncheck Update existing features.
  11. Click Show field matching to map the fields.
  12. Click Apply Updates.
  13. Repeat steps 1 through 12 by downloading the SalesdataSource CSV file and updating the Asset Sales Data table.

To load your data for Region Overlay, Subregion Overlay, and Competitors from a shapefile or file geodatabase, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a .zip file of your shapefile.
  2. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the feature layer you want to populate.
  3. On the feature layer item details page, click Update Data and select Append Data to Layer.
  4. Under Filename, click Choose File.
  5. Browse to your .zip file and click Open.
  6. Under Contents, select Shapefile.
  7. Click Upload and Continue.
  8. Choose the layer that you want to load data into and the layer that contains the updated data.
  9. Uncheck Update existing features.
  10. Click Show field matching and map the fields between the two layers.
  11. Click Apply Updates.