Use My Trash Services

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The My Trash Services solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share typical waste pickup schedules with the public, highlight schedule changes, and promote nearby recycling centers and the materials accepted.

In this topic, you'll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Discover trash service information

Trash services have a huge impact on everyday life but often run behind the scenes in a community. To provide cleaner and healthier communities, mapping technologies can help inform the public about curbside services, self service facilities, and provide a way for non emergency requests to be made.

In these workflows, you will assume the role of a resident, or member of the public, who wants to understand what curbside services are available and where to bring trash, recyclables, or other waste. Finally, you will request a large item pick up at your residence by notifying the city of your need.

View curbside pickup schedule

  1. In a browser, go the My Trash Services site.
  2. Scroll down to the When is My Trash Pick up? section and review the Curbside Service Schedules app.

    Use the Curbside Service Schedules app to learn about curbside services offered for your address.

  3. Type an address in the search text box and press the Enter key, or click the suggested address.
  4. Review the list of services offered for the entered address.

    You can see the schedule for Trash, Recycle, and Yard Waste pick up and get information regarding special pick up events.

Find self service facilities

  1. In a browser, go the My Trash Services site.
  2. Scroll to the Where Can I bring Trash or Recycling section and launch the Self Service Facilities app.
  3. Type an address in the search text box and press the enter key, or click Search this area.
  4. Click Filter and check the Electronics check box to filter the map.
  5. Click Close.
  6. In the search results, click the first search result.
    The map pans to the corresponding facility.

Request trash service

  1. In a browser, go the My Trash Services site.
  2. Scroll down to the Request Service section and click the Submit Request button to launch the Trash Requests form.
  3. Click the Select Request Type drop-down and choose Large Item Pickup.
  4. Click the map to set the location of the service request, use the device's location, or typ an address in the map search box.
  5. Use the form to provide optional information such as additional details, photos, and contact information.
  6. To complete your service request, click Submit.

Triage service requests

Staff can use the Trash Request Manager app to triage trash service requests from the community. This allows staff to monitor and address small issues before they become too big, costly, or unsafe for your community.

You will assume the role of an operations manager responsible for providing status updates on service requests. You will use the Trash Request Manager app to triage submitted reports and update the status of reports as they move through the queue.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Trash Request Manager form.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. Click the Request Type drop-down arrow and choose Large Item Pickup.
  4. In the Trash Requests table, identify and click the service request you reported.
  5. Review the details of the service request in the lower left corner of the app.
  6. In the app, click the Edit record button Edit.
  7. Click the Status drop-down arrow and change the status to Received

    As new service requests are submitted by the community, update the status to Received to acknowledge receipt of the new request. Continue to update the status of the request as you further investigate, prepare to address, and complete or cancel the service request.

  8. Click Save.