Use Market Development

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Market Development solution delivers a set of capabilities that helps you visualize the overall market landscape and communicate key business metrics with decision makers.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the Market Development solution and the set of capabilities and features that it provides.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Investigate market characteristics

The Market Explorer Dashboard application includes your organization's assets overlaid with demographic information such as median disposable income, retail goods spending, and population growth. The application allows you to conduct a series of key exploratory functions that support the visualization of markets in and around your business by region, market, or store.


Assets may represent your retail establishments, businesses you sell into, or distributors.

Visualize market characteristics

In this workflow, you’ll assume the role of a business analyst who is assigned the task of exploring a particular market. You will assume that this is a market that your organization is considering extending operations within and examine the potential likelihood of growth, and communicate this with key leadership.

  1. In a browser, go to the Market Explorer Dashboard application.
  2. Along the top are a set of global filters for focusing your view based on your organization's regional and subregional strategies as well as a specific store location. The filters are an essential part of focusing and exploring data within your view.
  3. In the Select a Region drop-down list, select a region.

    Filtering will zoom in to that specific region and automatically updates the set of metrics along the bottom of the application and the locations in the list on the right side.


    The competitor indicator panel represents the number of features within the map view.

  4. In the Select a Sub-Region drop-down list, select a sub-region.
  5. In the upper right corner of the map are a set of map settings. Click the layer visibility button to reveal operational layers that can be switched on or off.
  6. Switch on the layer labeled USA Population growth.
  7. Zoom in to a particular market to start exploring in more detail.

    Notice as you zoom in or pan around, the metrics along the bottom as well as the list on the right side update. This map-driven capability provides context into what is within your view, in and around areas of interest. Also note how the USA population growth layer dynamically updates to more granular level of detail depending on the scale.


    Holding the Shift key on your keyboard enables the area selection tool in the map. This will zoom in to the extent of the selected area.

Explore the performance of your business

The Sales Performance Dashboard contains your organization's assets, with panels that represent your business sales data broken down by category and sales for each store. The application is designed to digest key information about the financial performance of your organization’s assets. The functionality of the Sales Performance Dashboard is used to explore and visualize retail stores and sales information for each retail store and overall financial performance of your business by region, market, or store. The map-driven metrics provide an overview of key financial business metrics that provide insight into the market potential.


Assets may represent your retail establishments, businesses you sell into, or distributors.

Understand store performance

In this workflow, you’ll assume the role of a business analyst who is assigned the task of understanding the sales performance in a particular market. You will assume that this is a market that your organization is considering extending operations within and examine the potential likelihood of growth, and communicate this with key leadership.

  1. In a browser, go to the Sales Performance Dashboard
  2. Along the top are a set of global filters for focusing your view based on your organization's regional and subregional strategies as well as a specific store location. The category selector filters the sales metrics along the left. The filters are an essential part of focusing and exploring data within your view.
  3. In the Select a Region drop-down list, select a region.

    Filtering to the Middle Atlantic will zoom in to that specific region and automatically updates the set of metrics and locations in the list along the left side of the application.

  4. In the Select a Sub-Region drop-down list, select a sub-region.
  5. Zoom in to a specific market to start exploring in more detail.

    Notice as you zoom in or pan around, the metrics and the list along the left update. This map-driven capability provides context into what is within your view, in and around areas of interest.


    Holding the Shift key on your keyboard enables the area selection tool in the map. This will zoom in to the extent of the selected area.

  6. In the Select a Category drop-down list, select a category.

    Notice the metrics along the left are now only showing overall sales for that specific category, based on the assets within the map view.

  7. Select an asset from the list. This will zoom to the selected feature and open the pop-up for additional sales. The metrics will also reflect the currently selected feature.
  8. Optionally, to filter the assets in the list to a specific area of interest, click the button in the upper left corner of the map to enable the layer selection mode.
  9. To change the selection method, click the drop-down arrow and click the lasso tool.
  10. Hold the left mouse button and dynamically draw around an area of features to be selected.

    Notice that the metrics and the list along the left update based on the selected features. This selection-driven capability provides an additional level of focusing based on an area of interest.

Add premium content

Esri Demographics provides ArcGIS access to global demographics and business listings and is used for mapping and analysis. Esri Demographics data supports commercial market analytics and noncommercial usages, such as economic development, planning, and at-risk population assessment. The data is accessible as dynamic web maps, data enrichment, reports, and infographics.

Market Development is configured by default with a set of information-rich demographic layers that can be used to visually explore key market characteristics.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a business analyst who is tasked with adding new demographic content to help enhance the ability to make decisions with new context.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Content tab.
  2. On the left side, under Folders, click Market Development.
  3. Click Market Explorer (map) to open into the item description page, then click Open in Map Viewer.
  4. Above the contents pane, click the Add button, then click Browse Living Atlas Layers.
  5. Under Search for Layers are a set of buttons to filter and sort layers by relevance. Click the filter button to show additional options.
  6. Under the Categories group are a set of themes that can be selected to filter from over 4,500 layers of ArcGIS Living Atlas content. Select a theme to explore layers and select a layer to view more details.
  7. Once a layer has been identified, click Add to Map.
  8. Click the Save button along the upper middle of the map and click Save.
  9. If necessary, repeat steps 1 through 8 for Sales Performance (map).