Configure My Trash Services

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the My Trash Services solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Load data

In some cases, you may already have this information in ArcGIS or another mapping system. Review the layers provided with the solution and determine what source data you want to load. Then, load your existing data into the layers provided with the solution before sharing the maps or apps.

Once you have determined what source data must be loaded, complete one or more of the data loading workflows below.

Load data from a shapefile

Load data into the PublicWorksDistrict and TrashRecyclingFacilities layers from a shapefile by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a .zip file of your shapefile.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the feature layer you want to populate.
  3. Open the item page and click Update Data > Append Data to Layer.
  4. Click Choose File and browse to your .zip file, and click Open.
  5. Click Upload and Continue.
  6. Click Choose the layer that you wish to append data into drop-down arrow and choose the layer that contains the updated data.
  7. Uncheck Update existing features.
  8. Click Show field matching and map the fields between the two layers.
  9. Click Apply Updates.

To make additional updates to a hosted feature layer, see Append data to layers.

Configure directions

Follow the steps below to connect to a routing service and configure the widget to enable directions in the app.

Configure widget

To configure an app to use routes and provide directions, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder app.
  2. Open the item page and click Edit Application.
  3. Click the Widget tab and click Set the widget in this controler to open the page for an in-panel widget.
  4. Hover over the Near Me widget and click the Configure this widget button to open the widget configuration window.
  5. Check the Enable Directions check box if it is not checked.
  6. Click the Direction Settings tab, click Set, and choose a routing service.
  7. Click Next and choose one or more route layers, click OK, and click OK again.
  8. Save the app and share it with everyone.
  9. Open the app.

Esri premium content

The app draws routes and provides directions using the ArcGIS Online World Route Service. This service requires subscriber access because it consumes credits. See Configure Living Atlas content to enable access to premium content.

Learn more about credit usage when creating simple routes