In Layer style , for layers configured with the Counts and Amounts style, the style slider is the tool to use to visualize data with values. The slider contains three components: slider, histogram, and minimum and maximum values. Based on the main attribute chosen, Scene Viewer automatically calculates the data distribution and other statistics. This positions the slider handles, generates a histogram, and determines the maximum and minimum values. The legend also reflects the style slider colors and values. The following image shows the three components of the style slider and their relationship with the legend for USA Counties data:

The numbers in the image correspond to the following UI items:
The slider contains upper and lower handles. The handles set the range of values and the color ramp where values outside of the range are given the upper and lower colors. When you adjust the handles, you affect the visualization of the data in the scene, and the changes are also reflected in the higher and lower values in the legend.
For point layers, the color and size changes when you move the handles. For all other layer types, only the color changes when you move the handles.
Minimum and maximum values
The minimum and maximum values determine the minimum and maximum bounds of the data distribution. When you change these values, the appearance of the slider and the size of the intervals in the histogram are affected. However, the data distribution does not change, and the scene visualization and legend also stay the same. Adjusting these values can be useful when data is at one end of the slider and you want smaller increments of change in the symbols when adjusting the handles.
When you move the handles or adjust the minimum and maximum values, data is not hidden or filtered in any way, but it does change the visualizations. To use filters with data, see Apply filter to layer.
The histogram displays the distribution of data for the main attribute chosen. You can hover over each interval and get a count value of the number of features with that interval value, and you can hover over the average icon , which indicates the average value for that attribute. For example, in the image above, there are 52 U.S. counties with a population of 140,000 and the average county population is 100,665.
If the data does not have an associated styling, Scene Viewer automatically analyzes the data and adjusts the upper and lower handles at one standard deviation around the mean.