
The Sidebar template is based on the Sidebar web app template from Instant Apps. It provides a native app experience for a set of tools and options that appear in a side panel next to the map. You can include essential map tools for exploring the map and bookmarks to zoom to specific regions. Provide editing tools so users can add and update features in the map. Configure filters that they can use to gain more information about the data.


The requirements for using the Sidebar template are as follows:

  • Provide one or more Sidebar web apps. These can be a single valid item ID, the ID for a group that contains multiple Sidebar web apps, or a search query that contains multiple item IDs.
  • Sidebar web apps can be public or secured. To access a secured web app in your ArcGIS Online organization or ArcGIS Enterprise portal using OAuth2, register your app and provide a client ID. For more information, see Sign your app. By default, only public Sidebar web apps appear in the Sidebar gallery. To access secured Sidebar web apps, click Settings > Licensing > Gallery and provide a client ID.

App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that, if configured in the web app, are supported in the native app:

  • Layer list—Displays a list of layers with icons to turn visibility off and on in the map. You can choose which layers to include in the tool at runtime.
  • Bookmarks—Zooms and pans the map to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the map.
  • Pop-up—Presents the configured pop-up content when a feature is tapped.
  • Edit tools—Provides options to add and update features in editable layers.
  • Details—Shows the description content from the source map's item details in the side panel of the app.
  • Filter—Filters data in the map based on predefined options.
  • Basemap toggle—Changes the look of the map by switching to a different basemap.

An app created with the Sidebar template also includes support for offline maps when layers and maps are enabled for offline use.

Customize an app

Once you create an app, you can customize it by changing the app settings.

Start AppStudio and in the side panel click Settings > Properties. The following table lists the contents of the tabs on the Sidebar Properties tab, sorted by the tab on which they appear, and their purposes. You can also modify the properties directly in the app's appinfo.json file. If you change any of these properties, click Apply to save them before starting your app again.

Start Screen tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Background image


String (image URL)

The image to use for the start page background.

Brand color


String (color value)

The color to use as the primary color.

Title font file


String (font file URL)

Sets the custom title font to be used throughout the app. This font will be used in headings, page titles, and so on.

Text font file


String (font file URL)

Sets the custom text font to be used throughout the app. This font will be used in descriptions of photos, about the app text, and so on.

Feedback email


String (email ID)

The email address to which user feedback should be sent.

Show disclaimer


Boolean (true|false)

Shows the disclaimer text as a pop-up in the app. This text is the content from the Access and Use Constraints section of the Details tab.

Gallery tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Sidebar web apps



Enter an ArcGIS query to list valid Sidebar web apps in the gallery. This can be a single valid item ID of the web app such as id: 87e4ea0800d64d4cb0e9d2e3784a5519 or a group ID containing multiple web apps such as group:47597bdf4b6d49fd85c0f4175a6e7b60, or a search query with multiple web app item IDs such as (id:87e4ea0800d64d4cb0e9d2e3784a5519 OR id:5a2cff5558704870bd5dbe36fbb94183).

Total results to show in gallery



Enter the maximum number of web apps that should be returned from querying the portal.

Portal URL



The URL of the Portal to query for Sidebar web apps.

Support secured web apps


Boolean (true|false)

Provides the ability to sign in to an organization for access to secured web apps per the query parameters.

Skip sign in


Boolean (true|false)

If Support secured web apps is set to true, setting this option to true provides the ability to bypass sign in and only show publicly available web apps in the gallery.

Portal sort field



Used to sort web apps shown in the gallery. Possible values include: title, created, type, owner, modified, avgRating, numRatings, numComments, numViews.

Portal sort order



Used in conjunction with gallery sort field to order web apps in ascending or descending. Possible values are asc or desc.