Behaviors you may encounter when using AppStudio that have known workarounds or actions that you can perform to rectify the issue are described below.
To report or learn more about bugs in AppStudio, visit Support.
Installation and setup
- When I double-click the Linux .run file, the Ubuntu Software Center loads and I get an error message. Why?
- ArcGIS AppStudio fails to start, and an error message appears stating that the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is missing.
- ArcGIS AppStudio doesn't work at my workplace, but it works off-site.
- The AppStudio console isn't receiving console logs.
- My ArcGIS Runtime app crashes on Windows.
- I can't create an Android Virtual Device to test my app.
- I have installed Android Studio, but AppStudio doesn't recognize it.
- Text-to-speech is voiced in Arabic on iOS 14.
- My AppStudio 5.0 app fails to start on Ubuntu.
- The AppStudio sign-in dialog appears as a white screen on Ubuntu 22.04.
Configure and extend apps
- My existing Quick Report app won't run and displays the error message: Cannot assign to non-existing property onComposeError.
- I can't identify a scene layer in the 3D Scene Viewer template app.
- My SQL queries are failing, reporting either that the database table is now locked, or that the connection is still in use.
- AppFramework.SecureStorage value and setValue methods return the following error in my app on macOS: The username or passphrase you entered is not correct.
- My app behaves unexpectedly when using the SwiftKey keyboard on Android.
- When passing a false apiKey to maps of type TiledLayer or VectorTiledLayer, the map appears but with an unexpected style.
Create installation files
- I can't build my app for iOS without supplying a certificate.
- Build error message Provisioning profile "ABC" has an app ID "", which does not match the bundle ID "" received.
- Build error message Provisioning profile is not an "ABC" profile received.
- Build error message Code signing error: Provisioning profile "ABC" doesnt include signing certificate "DEF" received.
- Build error message Code signing error: Provisioning profile "ABC" doesnt support the Associated Domains capability received.
- Build error message Invalid Android signing parameters received.
Store submission
Installation and setup
When I double-click the Linux .run file, the Ubuntu Software Center loads and I get an error message. Why?
When you download a .run file from the internet, its execute permission is disabled. To enable it, do the following:
- Right-click the .run file.
- Go to the Permissions tab.
- Check the Allow executing file as program check box.
- Click Close.
Now when you double-click the .run file, the installation wizard starts.
ArcGIS AppStudio fails to start, and an error message appears stating that the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is missing.
This message indicates that the Universal C Runtime in Windows components, which are required for running AppStudio, are missing. These components were distributed in a Windows update that can be downloaded from Windows support.
The most likely reason for this is that your workplace controls internet access through a rule-based automatic configuration script. This form of proxy is currently not detected by AppStudio, meaning that the app's ability to connect to ArcGIS Online may be affected. In this case, you may need to turn off the automatic configuration script and manually configure the proxy server through an address and port combination.
On Windows, the options controlling this process can be found in Local Area Network (LAN) Settings in Internet Options.
This is likely because the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) messages that the console tool displays are being filtered or blocked by your firewall. This can be fixed by either turning off your firewall or allowing exceptions for UDP packets for the duration of the usage of the console tool. You can also, for a more trusted network, reset the firewall to allow UDP packets when challenged.
This is likely because the graphics driver in your Windows machine fails to meet minimum requirements. OpenGL 2.1 is the minimum requirement for 2D map views when running ArcGIS Runtime apps, and 3.2 is the minimum requirement for 3D scene views. It is recommended that you use the latest available driver.
If you use virtual machines to test your app on multiple platforms, you cannot run Android emulators on them. This is because Android emulators use Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM), a visualization engine that does not support nested virtual machines. You can only run an Android emulator on a physical machine.
AppStudio initially looks for files in Android Studio's default location. If the Android SDK location has been configured in Qt Creator, AppStudio will use this instead.
The default paths to the SDK for each platform are as follows:
- Windows: Users/YourName/AppData/Local/Android/sdk
- macOS: ~/Library/Android/sdk
- Linux: ~/Android/Sdk
The files used to populate the virtual device list must be located in the following folders:
- AVD configuration is read from subdirectories under ~/.android.
- Emulator auth code is read from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token.
- The adb command path is <SDKPATH>/platform-tools/adb.
- The emulator command path is <SDKPATH>/tools/emulator.
On devices running iOS 14 or later, not all text-to-speech voices are available on the device by default. As a result, when alerts are read out, an unexpected language may be heard, usually Arabic.
Voice files can be manually downloaded to the device. To download, go to Settings > Accessibility > Voice Over > Speech > Voice and download one of the voices that matches the language of the device. You can find the language of the device by tapping Settings > General > Language & Region > iPhone Language.
The next time AppStudio Player or your built app is launched, it will use the downloaded voice.
To ensure the sign-in dialog box displays on this version of Ubuntu, the environment variable QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX must be set to 1. To set this environment variable, in a terminal window, run export QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1. To confirm that the environment variable is set, run printenv | grep QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX, and see that QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 is returned.
Configure and extend apps
My SQL queries are failing, reporting either that the database table is now locked, or that the connection is still in use.
These are two separate errors caused when a second query using the AppFramework.SQLQuery component is commenced, before a first query is completed. These errors can be avoided by using the finish method to let the app know that any remaining results of the first query are not required, or by ensuring all results are requested with iterative calls to the next method.
AppFramework.SecureStorage value and setValue methods return the following error in my app on macOS: The username or passphrase you entered is not correct.
An app built for macOS that uses the SecureStorage and ArcGIS Runtime modules must be signed to get access to the system keychain. To learn more, see Sign your macOS app.
Create installation files
Unlike other platforms, iOS apps require a signed production certificate before they can be built, even for testing purposes. Trying to build without one produces an error. For information on obtaining and maintaining these certificates, see Maintain signing assets in Apple's App Distribution Guide. You also need to assign the app an appropriate bundle ID, which can be done by opening the Settings window in the AppStudio side panel, and browsing to the iOS tab under the Platforms heading. To learn more, see Sign your iOS app.
This error indicates that the distribution method chosen does not match the type of provisioning profile provided with the build request. Go to Settings > Platform > iOS > Distribution Method and ensure the distribution method matches the type of provisioning profile you will use in the build request.
Build error message Code signing error: Provisioning profile "ABC" doesnt support the Associated Domains capability received.
This error indicates that your app defines a link to your app for use by other apps, that is not registered in To learn more, see Apple's documentation on Allowing Apps and Websites to Link to Your Content.
This error might be received if you are attempting to build your app on a different machine than previous attempts. The KeyStore file is not saved within the app item, only a reference to its location is saved in the item. To verify that you have access to the correct KeyStore file, go to Settings > Platform > Android and ensure the path to the KeyStore file and Key alias are correct.
Store submission
This error is caused by either the presence of transparent pixels, or an alpha channel in the app icon. Remove these from the icon, rebuild your app installation files and resubmit to the store. This limitation is only applicable to the iOS App Store. Transparency in app icons is permitted on other platforms. You can specify platform-specific app icons by editing the appinfo.json file of your project. In AppStudio, select your app from the gallery and click Edit. Choose the appinfo.json file and edit the resources element to include appIcon properties for each platform, similar to the following example:
"resources": {
"android": {
"appIcon": "assets/android_appicon.png"
"ios": {
"appIcon": "assets/ios_appicon.png"
"linux": {
"appIcon": "linux_appicon.png"
"macos": {
"appIcon": "mac_appicon.png"
"windows": {
"appIcon": "windows_appicon.png"
"appIcon": "allNotSpecifiedOperatingSystems_appicon.png"
When creating an app store entry, you must define a unique identifier for your app. This identifier is typically of the format com.yourdomain.appname. Ensure that you enter the same identifier in Settings > Platform > Android or Settings > Platform > iOS. After you enter the unique identifier, be sure to click Apply and upload the app to your ArcGIS organization before you request a build.
When you upload an APK to Google Play, you may receive a warning message that your APK is unoptimized APK and a recommendation to use App Bundles. This is a warning, and does not exclude you from continuing the process of publishing your app to Google Play. AppStudio will support App Bundles in the future.