AppStudio Player enterprise template

The AppStudio Player enterprise template allows you to create a customized version of the player to distribute your enterprise's own apps. Configuration options are provided to rebrand the app, specify an ArcGIS Enterprise portal URL, and hide certain pages.

The enterprise template also includes the option to play web apps within the app, a feature not available in the store version of AppStudio Player.


The requirements for the AppStudio Player enterprise template are as follows:

  • To sign in to your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organization by using OAuth2, register your app and provide a client ID. For more information, see Sign your app.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise portal URL (optional): You can specify a portal URL in the ArcGIS AppStudio Settings > Properties > Enterprise. When this is set, pressing the Sign In button connects to the specified ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

Customize your apps

Once you create your app, you can customize it by changing the app settings.

Start AppStudio and, in the side panel, click Settings > Properties. The following table lists the contents of the tabs on the Properties tab, sorted by the tab on which they appear, and their purposes. They can also be modified directly in the app's appinfo.json file. If you change any of these properties, click Apply to save them before starting your app again.

Enterprise tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Portal URL



Enter a valid portal server URL that you want AppStudio Player to connect to by default. Users cannot connect to any other portal if this has been specified. Leave it blank if you want to have options for users to connect either ArcGIS Online or any ArcGIS Enterprise at any given time.

Portal name



Type the name of the enterprise portal name that you want to appear on the sign-in page header. By default it uses ArcGIS Enterprise as the portal name. This property works only if the portal server URL has been provided.

Portal configured with IWA


Boolean (true|false)

Set this to true if the above portal server is configured using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). As it's not always possible to determine if the portal uses IWA based on user logins, this property is important to set. The default value is false.

Onboarding tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Show onboarding


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the onboarding page appears. These pages are used to help first-time users familiarize themselves with an app. The default value is true.

Show Skip button


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Skip button appears in the onboarding. The default value is true.

Onboarding image one



Image to use for the first page of the onboarding.

Onboarding messages one



Message displayed with the first onboarding image.

Onboarding image two



Image to use for the second page of the onboarding.

Onboarding messages two



Message displayed with the second onboarding image.

Onboarding image three



Image to use for the third page of the onboarding.

Onboarding messages three



Message displayed with the third onboarding image.

Onboarding image four



Image to use for the fourth page of the onboarding.

Onboarding messages four



Message displayed with the fourth onboarding image.

Onboarding image five



Image to use for the fifth page of the onboarding.

Onboarding messages five



Message displayed with the fifth onboarding image.

General tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Brand color


String (color value)

The primary color used for the app. If you have configured this property, the Dark Theme option does not appear on the App Settings page.

Title font file


String (file path)

Sets the custom title font to be used throughout the app. It is used in headings, page titles, and so on.

Text font file


String (file path)

Sets the custom text font to be used throughout the app. It is used in description of photos, about text, and so on.

Show Samples page


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Samples page appears in AppStudio Player. The default value is false. The Samples page contains various AppStudio samples to download and try.

Show Web Apps page


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Web Apps page appears in AppStudio Player. The default value is true. The Web Apps page allows you to open and view various web apps.

Native Apps Group ID



Provide a Group ID that includes various AppStudio native apps, which are displayed in the Cloud page.

Web Apps Group ID



Provide a Group ID that includes various web apps.

Show Capabilities, Devices and Licensing sections


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Capabilities, Devices, and Licensing sections appear on the App Details page. The default value is true.

Side Menu tab contents

PropertyJSON nameTypeDescription

Show Scan QR Code menu item


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Scan QR Code menu item appears on the side menu. Users can scan a QR code to download an app within AppStudio Player. It is also used to connect to the AppStudio Console. The default value is true.

Show Diagnostics menu item


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Diagnostics menu item appears on the side menu. The Diagnostics page provides information about your device, such as screen size, network connectivity, sensors, and locale. The default value is true.

Show Connect Remote Console menu item


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Connect Remote Console menu item appears on the side menu. Users can connect to the Console desktop tool, which allows you to capture console output. The default value is true.

Show Dark Theme setting


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the Dark Theme option appears on the App Settings page. The default value is true. If you have configured brand color property under the General tab, the Dark Theme option does not appear on the AppStudio Player App Settings page.

Show Default Runtime license setting


Boolean (true|false)

If true, the default developer ArcGIS Runtime license option appears on the App Settings page. The default value is true.




Enter email address for users to send feedback to.