Introduction to AppStudio Player

AppStudio Player allows you to use your app on any platform without building and deploying installation files.

AppStudio Player is available for all supported platforms. For information on how to install the player, see Install AppStudio Player.

Download and run apps

AppStudio Player opens to its Home tab, which contains all AppStudio apps currently downloaded on your device. If you have both AppStudio Player and ArcGIS AppStudio installed on the same desktop machine, these are the same apps available in the AppStudio gallery. The option to update applicable apps is available when you sign in.

To run an app, select the Play button either on the app's card in the gallery or the app's item details page, accessible by selecting the card. This opens the app in AppStudio Player, which functions in the same way as if the app were a stand-alone installation. To close the app, open the side menu and select Exit.

On the Cloud tab, you can download any app shared to an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organizational account. After signing in to AppStudio Player, you can download apps that have either been created by you or shared to your account by selecting the Download button either on the app's card in the gallery or the app's item details page.

Sample apps

AppStudio Player includes samples so you can test functionality on all devices without creating or downloading an app. These are available on the Samples tab. All of the samples available in ArcGIS AppStudio are included here, sorted into categories. Real-world examples of the featured template apps are also available.

To try any of the samples, select the Preview button either on the sample entry in the gallery or its item details page. After you preview a sample, it remains in local storage but does not appear in the app gallery.


These samples require an internet connection. An ArcGIS account is not required.

Developer tools

AppStudio Player includes a Developer Mode that assists with the development of your apps. Developer mode is disabled by default and can be enabled on the App Settings page. Enabling developer mode provides access to the following options:

  • Samples—Available from the navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen, the Samples page provides more than 70 AppStudio samples, allowing you to view and run samples on real devices in AppStudio Player.
  • Diagnostics—Available from the side menu of the gallery, the Diagnostics page provides system information about the device AppStudio Player is running on.
  • Connect remote console—Available from the side menu of any app running in AppStudio Player, this option allows you to connect to a syslog console to record the behavior of your app. For more information, see Capture console output.
  • Item details—Available by selecting an app's card from either the Home or Downloads gallery, this page provides the app's item details, capabilities, supported device types, and ArcGIS licensing requirements.
  • ArcGIS Runtime license—Available on the AppStudio Player App Settings page. If this option is turned off, the player uses the ArcGIS Runtime license level set for the app run in the player. If it's turned on, the player uses a developer license level for all apps. For more information on license levels, see License your app.
  • Clear local samples—Available on the App Settings page. Deletes all samples currently in local storage. This option also displays the amount of storage space used by these samples.

Open AppStudio Player through an app link


This functionality is in beta. This means that documentation is incomplete, and functionality may change.

Currently, this functionality is only supported on iOS and Android platforms. It does not currently function on iOS 13.1.3.

If AppStudio Player has been installed on a device, it can be opened with special conditions by browsing to a URL using an app link. To open the player from an app link, go to on an iOS or Android device that has the player installed on it.

Custom parameters can also be used to apply conditions to AppStudio Player when opened. You can provide an app ID to immediately load an app in the player in the following format:

Pass parameters to AppStudio Player

If you're running an app in AppStudio Player, you can call another app and pass parameters to it from inside AppStudio Player. To do this, the original app needs to call on the destination app using the loadAppWithParameters signal in the portal object used by AppStudio Player. This signal accepts two parameters: the app ID of the destination app, and a JSON object containing the parameters to pass. The following code sample writes a series of parameters to a JSON object, before using the signal to pass the resulting object on.

Button { 
	anchors.centerIn: parent 
    text: "Open App B" 
    onClicked: {  
        var param = { 
        "fruit": "apple", 
        "quantity": 12, 
        "isFruit": true 
    app.parent.portal.loadAppWithParam("<change to app id>", param) 

The destination app can then call on the JSON object using the appUrlParameters property, also in the portal component. This code sample, used in the destination app, receives and displays parameters sent from the original app.

App { 
	id: app 
    width: 400 
    height: 640 

    Text { 
        anchors.fill: parent 
        text: app.parent.portal.appUrlParameters.fruit 
        font.pointSize: 24 
        color: "black" 
        wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere 
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter 
        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter 
        elide: Text.ElideRight 

AppStudio Player enterprise template

AppStudio Player is also available as an enterprise template that can be distributed for use in your organization. This enterprise template behaves in the same way as the official app and can be rebranded or modified to suit your organization's needs. The enterprise template also allows you to play web apps, a feature not available in the official app. For more information on the enterprise template, see AppStudio Player enterprise template.