Configure app settings

The Settings tool, available in the ArcGIS AppStudio side panel, allows you to configure a series of properties for your app's presentation, licensing, and capabilities when built as a stand-alone app.


The Details tab provides access to the following properties that identify and describe the app in ArcGIS Online:

  • Image—Appears as the icon for your app in AppStudio and ArcGIS Online. For best results, this image should be 200x133 pixels.
  • Version—The version in the online item. It can also be set to display in your app.
  • Title—Appears when your app starts. This is also the title of the online item.
  • Summary—The summary of your app in the online item.
  • Description—The description of your app in the online item.
  • Tags—A comma-separated list of tags associated with your app in the online item.
  • Access and use constraints—Appears in the terms of use in the online item.
  • Credits—Appears in the Credits (Attribution) section of the online item.


The Resources tab allows you to set the following images that will be used in your app if it is a stand-alone app:

  • App Icon—The icon for your app on all platforms.
  • Overlay image—Appears in the foreground of your app's launch image.
  • Background image—Appears in the background of your app's launch image.
  • Background color—The color of the background of your app's launch image.

The launch image appears instantly when your app starts and provides an entry experience to your app. AppStudio will automatically combine the overlay image, background image, and background color, and generate the best results for all devices in both landscape and portrait orientation.

It is recommended that you provide square images that work well in various orientations when cropped. For best results, the image resolution should range from 1024 by 1024 pixels to 2048 by 2048 pixels. If the overlay or background image has any transparent areas, the background color will fill in the transparent areas for the launch image.

When the overlay image and the background image are not provided, the launch image will show the background color with the app icon in the center. If the background color is not provided, the launch image will show a white background with the app icon in the center.


The Properties tab contains app-specific properties used to change the display settings of apps. For an app created from scratch, this tab is empty, but the template and enterprise apps provided on the New App dialog box in AppStudio provide app-specific properties on this tab.

For more information about the contents of this tab for template apps, see Quick Report, Map Viewer, 3D Scene Viewer, Attachment Viewer, Zone Lookup, Nearby, and Sidebar.


The Capabilities tab allows you to enable or disable capabilities in an app.

For information on the device capability options, see Capabilities.


The Devices tab allows you to define the device types your app supports and the display of your app on this platform. Switching off a particular device type will hide all options for that device type. The options are as follows:

  • Minimum size—The minimum size of the app window on desktop, in pixels.
  • Window mode—The window status the app will initially open as on desktop. The options are the system default, Normal, Full Screen, Maximized, and Minimized.
  • Allow multiple desktop instances—Specifies whether multiple instances of your app can be opened at the same time on Windows or Ubuntu desktop machines.
  • Portrait—Controls whether the app can be used in portrait mode on that device type for both phones and tablets.
  • Landscape—Controls whether the app can be used in landscape mode on that device type for both phones and tablets.
  • Status bar—Controls whether the device's status bar is hidden when the app opens for both phones and tablets.


The Licensing tab allows you to provide your ArcGIS Client ID, ArcGIS Runtime license, or API key for your app. For more information, see License your app.


The tabs in the Platforms section allow you to define properties when signing your app for the given platform. For more information, see Sign your app.

The tabs in the Platforms section also provide the following platform-specific options that are not related to signing your app:

  • External Accessory Protocol Strings—Provides a comma-separated list of accessory protocol strings for third-party external accessories that have allowed your app. For more information, see Add support for a GPS receiver to your app. This option is only available for iOS.
  • Enable Background External Accessories—Controls whether the app can communicate with external accessories when the app is in the background. This option is only available for iOS.
  • Graphics Rendering Engine—Specifies whether your app will use OpenGL or ANGLE for its graphics rendering engine. If it is set to Default, the app will use OpenGL and fall back to ANGLE if OpenGL fails. This option is only available for Windows.

    While ANGLE is supported with ArcGIS Runtime 100.15, support will be discontinued at a future release. It is recommended to use default or OpenGL rendering mode instead.


The Advanced tab provides access to the following optional properties that are used to extend the functionality or usability of your app:

  • Publisher Display Name—The name of the publisher of the app. It appears in the app's properties upon and after installation.
  • Short Name—The name of your app on iOS and Android home screens, where minimal space is provided for the app name. If left blank, the app's title appears instead.
  • URL Scheme—A URL scheme that can be used to open and pass parameters to your app when installed on the user's device. For more information, see Integrate with other apps.
  • Launch URL Schemes—A comma-separated list of approved URL schemes that can be used from your app. This is required on iOS 9 and later.