Integrate with other apps

You can integrate your ArcGIS AppStudio app with other apps using an app link. You can use an app link in a web browser to open apps on your desktop or device or from within another app. ArcGIS apps that you can open with an app link include ArcGIS Survey123, ArcGIS QuickCapture, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Workforce, and ArcGIS Navigator.

Link to your app from other apps

You can create an app link to open your AppStudio app that you can embed into your native or web app. You can also use the same app link in a web browser for testing.

Define the app link for your app in ArcGIS AppStudio. Select your app in the AppStudio gallery, open Settings > Advanced > Environment, and in the URL Scheme field, enter the URL that you will use as your app link. This URL must be lowercase and contain no special characters.

Once your app is built and on your device, you can access it with the app link, through a link from another app, or by directly entering it into a web browser. When your app is opened by the URL you provided, the onOpenURL signal is immediately called, allowing you to implement specific behavior when launched in this way.

Link to other apps

You can use a URL that opens another app inside your app. Many apps also accept custom parameters in their URLs to provide information to the destination app. Some apps use a custom URL scheme (which requires allow listing on iOS) and some use web-enabled app links (which do not require allow listing but are currently only available on Android and iOS).


On iOS devices, URL schemes must be added to an allow list, or list of approved schemes, in the app for the URL scheme to function. You can define this list in Settings > Advanced > Environment as a comma-separated list in the Launch URL Schemes field. The URL schemes used by Esri apps are as follows:

  • arcgis-survey123
  • arcgis-appstudio-player
  • arcgis-trek2there
  • arcgis-workforce

These URL schemes are only honored in built iOS apps. They will not be honored when the app is run in AppStudio Player.

See the following for information about some of the Esri apps that you can open through AppStudio Player: