Clip function

AllSource 1.2    |

Clips a raster layer using a rectangular shape according to the extents defined, or will clip a raster layer to the shape of an input polygon feature class. The shape defining the clip can include the extent of the raster layer or an area within the layer.


The default clip extent uses the extent of the map display. You can also clip to the shape of a polygon within the raster layer using a feature class. Alternatively, you can specify the x and y minimum and maximum coordinates.

If you choose the Outside clip type, the imagery outside the extents will be removed. If you choose the Inside clip type, the imagery within the extents will be removed.

Clip function example




The input raster layer.

Clipping Type

Specify whether you want to retain the area inside or outside your clip geometry.

  • Outside—Imagery outside the clip extents will be removed.
  • Inside—Imagery inside the clip extents will be removed.

Clipping Geometry / Raster

Specify the extent using a polygon feature, or x and y minimum and maximum coordinates. By default, the extents will be defined by the extent of the map display.

Use input features for clipping geometry

When selected, the data is clipped according to the geometry of the specified feature class.

  • Unchecked—The function uses the clip geometry specified by Rectangle. This is the default.
  • Checked—The function uses the clip geometry defined by a feature class.

Output Extent

The x and y coordinates of the current clipping extent.

The Capture Current Map Extent button uses the display extent for the active map.

In this topic
  1. Notes
  2. Parameters