Rasterize Features function

AllSource 1.2    |

The Rasterize Features function converts a polygon, polyline, or point feature class layer to a raster layer.


Keep the following in mind when using the Rasterize Features function:

  • Features are assigned pixel values based on a field in the feature's attribute table.
  • Options are provided to resolve overlapping features.
  • The output of this function does not have a raster attribute table (RAT).



Select a raster in the Contents pane to use to define the cell size and extent for the feature conversion.

Input Features

Provide the feature class field to use to assign pixel values for each feature. If no field is provided, pixel values will be assigned based on the feature class object ID.

This parameter only supports numeric field types.

Resolve Overlap Method

Specify how features that overlap will be managed:

  • First—The overlapping areas will be assigned a value from the overlapping feature that is listed first in the feature class table.
  • Last—The overlapping areas will be assigned a value from the overlapping feature that is listed last in the feature class table.
  • Smallest—The overlapping areas will be assigned the smallest value from the overlapping features.
  • Largest—The overlapping areas will be assigned the largest value from the overlapping features.

In this topic
  1. Notes
  2. Parameters