Interpolate Raster By Dimension

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Interpolates a multidimensional raster at specified dimension values using adjacent slices.


This function allows you to estimate pixel values for an undefined dimension slice in a multidimensional raster. For example, if you have a dataset containing ocean temperature at surface level and at 100 meters below sea level and you want to estimate the temperature at 50 meters below sea level, you can use this function to get an estimate at that depth using the By Values dimension definition.

You can also downsample a monthly dataset into a daily dataset using the By Interval dimension definition and specifying the Step parameter value as 1 and the Unit parameter value as Days.

Use the By Target Raster dimension definition to estimate the value for the Target Raster.


Parameter nameDescription



The input multidimensional raster.


The variable or variables that will be interpolated by the dimension definition.

Dimension Definition

Specifies the method that will be used to filter the input multidimensional data before performing the interpolation.

  • By Values—he dimension will be sliced using a dimension value or list of values.
  • By Interval—The dimension will be sliced using a range or a list of ranges.
  • By Target Raster—The dimension will be sliced using a specific target multidimensional raster.


The dimensional values to use to filter the input multidimensional data for analysis.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Values.


The dimension to use for interpolation.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Interval.

Start of interval

The beginning of the interval, which is used to iterate through the dataset.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Interval.

End of interval

The end of the interval, which is used to iterate through the dataset.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Interval.


The frequency with which the data will be interpolated.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Interval.


The interval unit.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Interval.

Target Raster

The target raster specified by the dimension definition.

This parameter is required when the Dimension Definition parameter is set to By Target Raster.

Interpolation Method

Specifies the method that will be used to interpolate the raster.

  • Linear—The output will be interpolated linearly using the adjacent slices. This is the default.
  • Nearest Neighbor—The output will use the nearest adjacent slice.

Ignore NoData

Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored in the analysis.

  • Unchecked—The analysis will result in NoData if there are NoData values in adjacent slices. This is the default.
  • Checked—The analysis will only use slices that have valid pixels and will ignore NoData slices.

In this topic
  1. Notes
  2. Parameters