View job history

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You can use the History tab to review actions performed during the course of a job to help investigate, identify, and improve business proficiency issues. You can also export a copy of the job history to a .csv file in the Job History window of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app.

Review job history

To review a job's history, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. On the Manage or Work page, choose the job that contains the history that you want to review.
  3. Expand the Details panel if necessary.
  4. In the Details panel, click the History tab View Job History.

    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, the History tab is not available.

    The job's history appears in the Details panel with the following information:

    • Action type—The action taken on a job.
    • Action owner—The full name of the user who performed the action. This is not the ArcGIS organization username.
    • Run duration—The amount of time it took for the step to run.

      If a step is optional and the action owner completes the step without running it, the run duration information is not listed for the step.

    • Total duration—The total amount of time the workflow spent on that step before proceeding to the next step.

    Learn more about messages displayed on the History tab


    Type a keyword in the Search History text box to filter and list log entries that contain the keyword.

    The History panel does not automatically refresh. If the information is out of date, click Refresh Panel Refresh Panel.

Job history messages

The following table lists action messages that may appear on the History tab in the Details panel:

SymbolAction typeAction description

Hold Released

A hold was released.

Step Completed

The step was completed.

Step Reactivated

The step was reactivated after a dependency or after being on hold.

Step Reassigned

The step was reassigned to another user or group.

Step on Hold

Dependency Added

A dependency was added to the job.

Hold Added

A hold was added to the job.


Step Failed

The step failed.

Step Running

Step Running

The step is currently running.

View Job History

Step Deactivated

The step was deactivated. This happens when another step is set as the current step in the workflow diagram.

Not Applicable

Attachment Added

An attachment was added to the job.

Job Closed

The job was closed.

Job Created

The job was created.

Job Reopened

The job was reopened.

Job Updated

The job's properties were updated.

Job Upgraded

The job was upgraded.

Review and export a detailed job history report

The Job History window provides a detailed list of actions performed on a step and allows you to export a copy of the job's history to a .csv file. To review and export the job history, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. On the Manage or Work page, choose the job that contains the history that you want to review.
  3. Expand the Details panel if necessary.
  4. In the Details panel, click the History tab View Job History.

    The job's history appears in the Details panel.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, the History tab is not available.

  5. Click Expand Job History Expand Job History to review additional details.

    A detailed list of actions performed on a step appear in the Job History window with the following information:

    • Action owner—The full name of the user who performed the action. This is not the ArcGIS organization username.
    • Action—The action taken on a step.
    • Step Name—The name of the step in which the action took place.
    • Result—The result of an action that took place during a step.
    • Timestamp—The date and time the action was performed.
    • Duration—The amount of time, listed in seconds, that the step was in the state determined by the action.
  6. Optionally, click Export to CSV to download a .csv file of the job's history.

    A copy of the job's history is saved to the browser's default download location with the name of the job as the file name.

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