Add data references

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Associating a data reference with a workflow diagram allows you to integrate specific data types with data-driven elements in a workflow. When you add a data reference to a diagram or step template, the data reference is stored on the Data References tab, where it can be edited, managed, and validated by ArcGIS Workflow Manager.

Add a data reference

Supported data reference types published to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, ArcGIS Online, or a stand-alone ArcGIS Server include feature services, web maps, ArcGIS Survey123 surveys, geoprocessing services, or an ArcGIS Pro package.

To add a data reference, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Design tab.

    The Design page appears.


    If you don't have sufficient privileges, the Design tab is not available.

  3. Click Diagrams Diagrams.

    The Workflow Diagrams panel and workflow canvas appear.

  4. From the Workflow Diagrams panel, choose the workflow diagram that you want to add data references to.

    The Step Library and Diagram panels appear with the workflow diagram in the workflow canvas.

  5. On the Data References tab, click Add data reference.

    The Add data reference dialog box appears.

  6. Add a data reference to the workflow diagram by doing one of the following:
    • Browse for item—Browse and choose from a list of items in your ArcGIS organization.

      You can refine results by applying filters and tags to a search.

    • Enter item ID manually—Choose the environment where the data reference is located and provide the item ID and reference name in the Item Id and Reference Name text boxes.

      The Reference Name text box is automatically populated if the item ID is valid.

      If you chose Other, provide the URL to the ArcGIS organization that contains the data reference in the Portal URL text box. If you chose Standalone server for GP service, provide the service URL to the geoprocessing service that contains the tool you want to use.

      For example, the following URL is for a service in which the machine name is machine and the domain name is domain:<GP Service Name>/GPServer

    The item is validated by Workflow Manager and the data reference type is set in the Type bar.

    If the data reference cannot be validated, the Unable to determine item type warning message appears and the data reference type must be manually selected from the drop-down menu.


    If the item type is set to Geoprocessing Service, the data reference must be validated before it can be saved.

  7. Click OK to save the data reference or click Cancel to exit.
  8. Optionally, click Add data reference to add more data references.

The data reference is associated with the workflow diagram.

Add an ArcGIS Pro data reference

Supported ArcGIS Pro data reference types include maps, scenes, layouts, tasks, custom ArcGIS Pro commands, or a system toolbox.


ArcGIS Pro data references are not validated by Workflow Manager.

To add an ArcGIS Pro data reference, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Design tab.

    The Design page appears.


    If you don't have sufficient privileges, the Design tab is not available.

  3. Click Diagrams Diagrams.

    The Workflow Diagrams panel and workflow canvas appear.

  4. From the Workflow Diagrams panel, choose the workflow diagram that you want to add data references to.

    The Step Library and Diagram panels appear with the workflow diagram in the workflow canvas.

  5. On the Data References tab, click Add ArcGIS Pro data reference.

    The Add ArcGIS Pro data reference dialog box appears.

  6. Choose the type of data reference that you want to add from the Pro Item Type drop-down menu.
  7. Provide the name of the data reference in the Pro Item Name text box.

    If you chose Pro Command as the data reference type, provide the command name and the ArcGIS Pro command ID in the Command Name and Command ID text boxes.

  8. Click OK to save the data reference or click Cancel to exit.
  9. Optionally, click the Add data reference drop-down arrow and click Add ArcGIS Pro data reference to add more ArcGIS Pro data references.

The ArcGIS Pro data reference is associated with the workflow diagram.

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