Changing the display statistics

District statistics allow you to view a total count or percentage of the population in your proposed districts.

  1. On the View ribbon, click District Window.

    The District Window window appears. The District Window displays the districts in your current plan, the symbology for each district, and the population count for each district and demographics per district.

    The View ribbon also displays the target mean, which can be used as a reference guide for the total population for each district in your plan.

  2. (Optional) On the View ribbon, check on Show Target Values.
  3. On the Create ribbon, click Demographics.

    The Demographics dialog box appears.

  4. Select the demographics you want to display from the Demographics window:
    • Select Sum to display the total count for each district and demographic.
    • Select Percent to display the percent of the selected demographic in the geography.

    The demographics selected on the Demographics dialog box affect the visible columns on the District Statistics dialog box. The sum and percent are displayed in individual columns.

    As geographies are assigned to districts, the district statistics table updates automatically to reflect the new demographic population by district.