FAQ for project authors


Project authoring

Location sharing set up


How do I create a QuickCapture project?

QuickCapture projects must be created using the QuickCapture designer. For steps to create projects, see Create a project.

Does ArcGIS QuickCapture consume ArcGIS Online credits?

No. QuickCapture does not consume ArcGIS Online credits; however, storage of data captured with the mobile app will incur credit usage.

Why can't I sign in?

Do the following if you are having trouble signing in:

  • Verify that you typed your username and password correctly.
  • Ensure that you are using an ArcGIS account, that it is a valid user type, and that the appropriate license is assigned to you. See ArcGIS account requirements for more information.

Why do I see a blank screen on some browsers when I sign in with ArcGIS Enterprise from the QuickCapture website?

This is due to a restricted cookies setting on your browser—for example, Prevent cross-site tracking on Safari, Block third-party cookies on Chrome, and Cross-site cookies in all windows (includes tracking cookies) on Firefox. To resolve this issue, turn off these settings from the browsers' Settings page.

How can I give feedback on the app?

To submit feedback directly from the mobile app, tap your profile icon and select Feedback from the menu. You can also provide feedback on the QuickCapture Esri Community page or by sending an email to QuickCapture@esri.com. If you're experiencing issues using the app, contact Esri Technical Support.

Can I customize the QuickCapture mobile app?

Yes. The source code for the QuickCapture mobile app is available in ArcGIS AppStudio, Esri's multiplatform mobile app development tool. Using AppStudio, you can configure QuickCapture with your own branding and presentation or alter the source code to change functionality.

Can I share a QuickCapture project publicly?

Yes, as long as your ArcGIS organization is licensed with ArcGIS Hub Premium.

Can QuickCapture be deployed though a mobile device management (MDM) solution?

Yes. QuickCapture supports AppConfig and a portalURL parameter. This allows you to configure the mobile app with an enterprise URL when deployed. For more information, see ArcGIS Secure Mobile Implementation Patterns.

When working with webhooks, what properties are included in a QuickCapture payload?

There are four common payload properties you can expect from QuickCapture: eventType (of which there is only one, addData), portalInfo, projectInfo, and userInfo. The addData event can include feature, response, and attachmentInfo. The following is an example payload that includes all of these properties:

	"eventType": "addData",
	"feature": {
		"attributes": {
			"zone": "Null",
			"globalid": "{849A234E-F7F4-4818-8265-A05538158000}"
		"geometry": {
			"x": 144.97956347221773,
			"y": -37.84818065484916,
			"spatialReference": {
				"wkid": 4326
		"result": {
			"globalId": "{849A234E-F7F4-4818-8265-A05538158000}",
			"objectId": 27626,
			"success": true,
			"uniqueId": 27626
		"layerInfo": {
			"id": 0,
			"name": "points"
	"attachmentInfo": {
		"photo": [{
			"id": 2279,
			"globalId": "{B6D5CBE6-A94A-4B55-8C01-013E48B82BE2}",
			"name": "9ade4f1d141a459495364a985ce9b51d.jpg",
			"contentType": "image/jpeg",
			"keywords": "photo",
			"exifInfo": null,
			"url": "https://services9.arcgis.com/tMHw4nvIk1Ur5R5u/arcgis/rest/services/points/FeatureServer/0/27626/attachments/2279",
			"parentObjectId": 27626
	"response": {
		"addResults": [{
			"globalId": "{849A234E-F7F4-4818-8265-A05538158000}",
			"objectId": 27626,
			"success": true,
			"uniqueId": 27626
		"attachments": {
			"addResults": [{
				"globalId": "{B6D5CBE6-A94A-4B55-8C01-013E48B82BE2}",
				"objectId": 2279,
				"success": true
		"id": 27626
	"portalInfo": {
		"url": "https://www.arcgis.com",
		"token": "yGT5ZO8FE3M34I"
	"userInfo": {
		"username": "username",
		"firstName": "first name",
		"lastName": "last name",
		"fullName": "full name",
		"email": "name@email.com"
	"projectInfo": {
		"projectItemId": "f68bf33c3c1341daqd79a5b0a6c1a5f4",
		"projectTitle": "Webhooks",
		"serviceItemId": "7c8daeff6757452290a60c6a0a8a0b95",
		"serviceUrl": "https://services9.arcgis.com/tMHw4nvIk1Ur5R5u/arcgis/rest/services/points/FeatureServer"

Project authoring

How can I allow users to send feedback to me through the app?

By adding mailto:someone@yoursite.com as a link in the description of your project, you can create a link that opens the email composer configured on the device and prepopulate the To address with a specified email address. Edit the description in the Project detail menu item Project detail.

Add a mailto link to the project description.

How can I include characters in an input mask that also form part of the masking syntax?

Use the escape character as listed in Input masks. For example, if you want your mask to allow a phone number with an area code of 909, enter \9\0\9 999-9999.

What types of images can be added to a button?

You can add JPEG, PNG, and SVG images (file types ending in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .svg) to buttons. Once added, optionally, select Crop to resize and alter the extent of JPEG and PNG images.

Can I add duplicate choices in a project user input list?

You can enter any text for the choices in a project user input list. If the list includes duplicate choices, the mobile app recognizes the selection of either as the same choice.

What happens to referenced feature layers and map items when the sharing level of a QuickCapture project is updated?

When sharing a QuickCapture project, the items referenced by the project are updated to the same sharing level as the project. When you unshare a project, referenced items are not unshared.

When sharing a QuickCapture project publicly, referenced items are also shared with the public, but if the project is also shared to a group, the referenced items are not also shared to that group.

Why can't I create a project from an Esri template in my ArcGIS Enterprise organization?

Creating projects from Esri templates will fail in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 or earlier. This is because Esri templates have been updated to a newer version of solution items, and earlier versions of the QuickCapture web designer can't use this newer version. As a workaround, you can sign in to an ArcGIS Enterprise organization from the QuickCapture website and use the Esri templates.

QuickCapture is sending duplicate features to the feature service, how do I avoid this?

Duplicate features are prevented by configuring the target feature layer to support supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds. For more information see Prepare a feature layer.

Location sharing set up

How do I set up location sharing and authorize QuickCapture?

To use the location sharing capability in QuickCapture, location sharing must be enabled for your organization.

To access the location sharing capability in QuickCapture, you must purchase and assign an ArcGIS Location Sharing user type extension to each ArcGIS account that will use location sharing. This user type extension is included in the Mobile Worker user type and is available as an add-on for all other user types . For more information, see User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Online or User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Enterprise.


The ArcGIS Location Sharing user type extension is included in the Mobile Worker user type in ArcGIS Enterprise 11 and later.

The Track Viewer web app has its own set of requirements for viewing location tracks and creating and sharing track views. For more information, see view tracks.

The Track Viewer web app can be used to view tracks collected from QuickCapture. The Track Viewer web app is accessed through your portal. How you access it depends on the software you're using:

  • If you're using ArcGIS Online—Access Track Viewer through the app launcher or by going to https://www.arcgis.com/apps/trackviewer.
  • If you're using ArcGIS Enterprise—Access Track Viewer through the app launcher or by going to https://host.domain.com/webadaptor/apps/trackviewer/ (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal).

To use the Track Viewer web app to create track views, you must be an administrator. To use the Track Viewer web app to view tracks, the view location tracks privilege is required, and the user must have track views shared with them. For more information, see privileges in ArcGIS Online or privileges in ArcGIS Enterprise.


If using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later, Track Viewer is installed by default. If using an earlier version of ArcGIS Enterprise, you need to install Track Viewer. See ArcGIS Enterprise configuration of Track Viewer for additional information about the requirements for specific versions of ArcGIS Enterprise.

How do I deploy ArcGIS Enterprise to support location sharing in QuickCapture?

The location sharing capability is included with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or later and requires the spatiotemporal big data store. To learn about the various deployment patterns and recommended specs, see ArcGIS Tracker Deployment Guide for ArcGIS Enterprise.

Does Esri have an API for developers to use location sharing?

No. The logic used by QuickCapture for storing, managing, and uploading tracks is not available as an API. However, you can use app links to remotely launch the QuickCapture mobile app from your apps.

Do I need ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to use the location sharing capability in QuickCapture with ArcGIS Enterprise?

No. Although both ArcGIS GeoEvent Server and QuickCapture use the spatiotemporal big data store, GeoEvent Server is not required to use location sharing in QuickCapture with ArcGIS Enterprise.

However, you can complement location sharing with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. By pairing the location sharing of QuickCapture with the geofencing capabilities of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, you can gain new insight into business processes. For example, you can be notified when a mobile worker has arrived at or left a work location. This insight may help you more effectively manage your field workforce.

Can I use ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server to analyze location tracks?

Yes. ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server includes many tools that can be used to provide meaningful analysis, and it is a good addition to the base deployment of ArcGIS Enterprise to learn more from your location tracks. A few examples include the following:

  • Reconstruct Tracks—Create lines from track points, showing direction and generating a new line network. The line network can then be turned into a transportation network.
  • Aggregate Points—Analyze coverage over an area, such as the area searched during a rescue operation, or the percentage of a utility corridor covered when performing an inspection.
  • Detect Incidents—Identify rapid changes in speed.
  • Find Point Clusters—Identify frequently visited locations by using a density-based clustering method on the movement of your mobile workers.

Where can I learn more about the location sharing layer?

See Track layers for more information.