This is an archive related to a previous version of Esri Maps for MicroStrategy. If you need the current version go to
Selecting features on a map provides a way to identify, locate, and visually analyze a set or subset of data on the map. Once you have made a selection on the map, you can find features that are near your selection, view detailed information about the selected features in an attribute table, deselect certain features, or clear all selections.
Continue to draw shapes or click individual features to select more features as needed.
If you chose Ring, Esri Maps for MicroStrategy generates a new temporary layer containing the circles that define the search radius. The features encompassed within that radius are selected on the specified layer.
If you chose Drive time, Esri Maps for MicroStrategy generates a new temporary layer containing the polygons that define the search area. The features encompassed within those polygons are selected on the specified layer.
The search area for each Find nearby action is generated as a temporary layer in the Contents pane, using the name of the original layer with a prefix indicating the name of the related action; for example, Find nearby buffer - LayerName. You can use these layers as reference for future select actions.
Attribute information for the selected features appears in an attribute table.